“but it was Texas”
“but it was Texas”
This, like maybe there would be a way to set an maximum amount of interest over the course of the loan, but then that would kind of make the actual interest rate not mean a whole lot. It would be similar to something called a Islamic Sharia Complaint Loan that you sometimes see in real estate, that’s my area of…
Oh we were smoking that gas as well LMAO. It certainly wasn’t my idea to get gas, I knew full well I was to fucked up to be going anywhere.
Tesla did it right with the Supercharger network, the plug had nothing to really do with it. Other automakers are adopting it just to use the network.
To be honest that there are a million here illegally isn’t really a question there are. Crossing illegally and then seeking asylum is still crossing illegally. That said I am not xenophobic and I am fine with immigration, the process is long drawn out and expensive, that’s just fact and something should be done to at…
you would think so. I had a mom and daughter at my gas station ages ago out at the air pump for a VERY long time. To the point they in twice for change, I finally went out there to see what the problem was. They had not even removed the valve stem cap, and BOTH were old enough to know what the heck that was. They also…
It’s not a scheme it’s just how borrowing money works. That said if you want to stick it to the ultra rich, the only way to do it is a wealth tax. As you said his income is TINY, it’s the main reason why when people say raise the income tax on the %1 it’s not going to hit them.
At first I thought it was one of the new ones, so I was like eh that sucks but they are ugly AF, hearing it’s one of the classics makes me a little sad.
I would add for not getting pulled over, the typical suburban soccer mom mobile.
Yeah came here to say the same thing, it just doesn’t look right. It’s like a shooting brake design gone horribly wrong.
Like on one hand this seems kind of crappy to turn citizens into HOA Karen’s, on the other hand I just don’t get why people would leave their car, and leave it running. I mean for something like a delivery truck/van, I can kind of get it you are going in and out of buildings all day and I could see starting it 50 to…
“Vehicle size is not going to change much in this equation.”
This. This is on the charter and pilot not Trump/Vance, I mean fuck them both and what not, but you can’t blame this on them. As to your second part, I assume the only difference between the campaign chartering them and a private citizen, is the entire crew would have to be given the OK by Trumps SS detail.
Why not both lol. Fuck him but it’s not like this was his direct doing.
Fair, but it’s not like they are hiring them directly they contracted with Eastern Air Express for services probably the only people who had say on the specific pilots is Trumps SS detail. Not defending the couch fucker but this is on the pilot and company that owns the plane.
Like I hate to have to defend this couch fucking never ordered a doughnut in his like shit bag, but this has nothing to do with him, other than it was his campaign plane. This is 100% on the pilot now knowing what the fuck he was doing or where he was going.
Right how has he not taken the Air BnB owner to court over that.
Tesla and Lucidicrous Mode
I’m ludicrous about this. You were SO close lol.
Pretty much, any impact strong enough to damage the wheel/suspension assembly, even on the notoriously fragile cybertruck, would have damaged more than that and the plastic surround on the arch. If it was a collision with another vehicle it would have had to happen at a very specific angle to not damage anything else.