
Nothing in that article shows any data that has direct correlation of vehicle size to deaths. A lot of assuming is going on.”

Even when there is one of those flag decals, those are almost always “see through” but yeah I would think it would have to be obvious that something was really wrong to anyone paying the bare minimum of attention.

That was my thought, I mean it being up for a SHORT time while driving I can kind of see since I have seen these used to do a rolling dump, probably not the right word, of gravel or something but I would have to think that even a small turn would have alerted the driver something was off.

That’s kind of wild, but I mean it doesn’t take that much brain power but still. If you ever drove one, wouldn’t you have noticed the drag. I mean I know these are designed to haul weight so the wind resistance probably wouldn’t be noticeable but don’t the tractors pulling these normally have a back window, like you

Look if you are having a jolt when stopping, you are not doing it right. If AI is controlling a car I want is 100% following the rule of law 100% of the time. AI doesn’t have “judgement” it is a series of if/then questions, not sure if they is the right word, it has no morals or conscience.  If I get to the stop sign

It’s funny it was about $6k or $7k shelled out by insurance and about a year later traded it in for $700, on and the accident did not show on carfax either lol.

Hmm interesting. Reminds me of a accident I got in about 20 years ago. I had a 1991 Cadillac Eldorado got rear ended in a parking lot, it took almost 6 months to find a replacement trunk lol.  All in between repairs and rental insurance payed out WAY more than that thing was worth.  I honestly can’t believe it didn’t

I am honestly surprised a Miata is considered a “specialist” vehicle in the first place. Not shitting on the Miata obviously but I would think a specialist vehicle would be something more exotic.

True, but at the same time you won’t even get it towed somewhere like if you can afford that truck you can afford a tow, unless for some reason insurance won’t let him tow it.

Keeping it real” almost exclusively goes wrong.

Well it’s clear that someone has NEVER cleaned that center console lol.

This is up there with that, Quatari I think, hyper car that is supposedly going to push 5, 000 hp like yeah not gonna happen.

Exactly my point, I suspect the axel, I assume there is something similar in there, failed and the damage was cause rolling to a stop with the wheel flopping around.

This, it has some of the best chases in a movie.  I would thrown in The French Connection, not because they were outstanding as chases, but because they were filmed on LIVE FUCKING STREETS.  I mean that film is from the 70's it’s not like it was the early days of film where they often used REAL bullets in shootouts.

Right like this isn’t even a “donorcycle” this is a human meat grinder in vehicle form.

In this case because the damage, the wheel and surround, is VERY localized it seems unlikely it was cause by collision with a vehicle. It almost looks like a suspension failure and the janky wheel caused the damage while they were coming to a stop.  More interesting to me, at least, is who is fine with just tossing

Kind of thought so.

I suspect a lot of EV’s could require flat bedding, since I think if the wheels have a motor attached they would function as a generator when being towed.

I think the main reason for this initial gap is the CRAZY prices people were paying in the beginning for a C8. And they kind of acknowledge it in the article.  

Ok that’s fucking WILD, and I can’t believe (I kind of can) that the courts upheld the conviction. But then again with the Dram Shop law, it could in theory be used against someone at a gas station selling a case of beer to a sober person who then pounds the ENTIRE case of beer and gets in a wreck, and it seems like