“USPS has a better revenue stream”
“USPS has a better revenue stream”
Exactly there is something serious going on here.
“but their efforts are severely hampered by the fact he’s too young to be arrested or jailed for most nonviolent offenses under the state’s juvenile justice laws.”
It’s easy for me the Mazda MPV ɛ̃fini version. ɛ̃fini models were rare, I mean they were never sold in the US, I saw one on the way to get a haircut and damn near lost my mind. It was a shit box, but it was almost certainly the only one in Texas, and probably the total number in the US is maybe in the single digits.
For Prime yes, for some of their other back end services, AWS primarily, it’s VERY VERY difficult. AWS, Amazon Web Services, is the second largest hosting service in the world, and while it’s possible to dig and find out if website A uses them. Heck even GoDaddy, which is the number 1 hosting service ALSO uses AWS. …
IMO it’s because the USPS is poorly staffed. They moved sorting and distribution from our local post office(s), mind you we aren’t a tiny town with a combined population of a bit 0ver 200k which I don’t think includes the 70k students at the local college, to Houston. Our delivery times of regular mail more than…
I haven’t ordered anything from Amazon in ages, I use prime entirely for streaming.
Exactly at some point when you go over x inches of lift the truck uses real actual usability. Heck I had a Tacmoa TRD Pro as a rental and even at 6 feet tall with no running boards it was difficult to get into. Also if you run low profile “off road” tires 100% automatic brodozer category.
Yeah like I am sure a lot of the planning goes through like group texts or something but it can’t be impossible for some law enforcement group to get on the inside and find this stuff out.
Yes but it also a value add for new construction. If I drive an EV and I have a choice of 2 identical businesses to go to and one has EV charging and one doesn’t I am going to the one I can charge at. If I am buying a home or renting and one has EV charging and one doesn’t I am going to heavily favor the one with the…
They do last mile delivery where I am and it is not rural. Well my main reason is they shuttered the local sorting/distribution at our local post office a couple years ago so getting general mail takes sometimes twice as long even when going across town. Hell a local radio host had to make 6 trips over like 3 or 4…
I the primary use was just if someone parked to close and you can’t get the door open rather than backing it out then loading.
Right, like it’s not a huge deal, barring physical limitations, to you know just walk to your car. The only feature I have seen similar to this is the one Hyundai had that could remotely pull the vehicle forward or backward to get it out of a tight parking spot. Though I think at one point BWM had a kind of back up…
To me lifted and brodozer aren’t the same thing. Like lifted truck has a lift and you know actual functional off road tires. Brodozer has a lift so big the truck bed becomes almost functionally useless without a ladder, huge rims usually deep dish and on spacers, and super low profile “off road” tires bonus points for…
right like at some point some one in law enforcement has to have gotten into some social media group where this stuff is talked about.
Nope just means you have more than 2 brain cells. the only vehicle that screams political affiliation to me IMO is the Bro Dozer. Some people might bring up the Cybertruck, but unless it IS you entire personality, it just screams LOOK AT ME rather than I vote left or right.
God no, look Amazon treat it’s workers like shit, but at least they generally get stuff to you on time, unlike the USPS.
Of course they are, while getting the recall fixed is free, in my prior car I tried I think 3 or 4 times to get it done, and they never had the stock at the dealer. Or they had one of the two in stock but would only do them both at the same time.
Fair enough, I mean I can’t shit on anyone for using Amazon considering I have had prime for YEARS, though I haven’t ordered anything off Amazon in a while. Last thing I got was a set of MMCX IEM cables, ordered one they sent me 2, got one then next day another lol.
“Thanks for the daily reminder of how much Amazon sucks and U should avoid buying anything from it at all costs.”