
New construction yes, existing construction no. But you are assuming the business itself would be running the EV charging location, they don’t work like that they are run be a separate company the business merely provides the space and pays to install the unit. After that the maintenance/upkeep/billing is handled by a

Oh that have tons of them for older cars with infotainment screens, it’s just that finding them for newer cars where essentially everything is controlled in a screen is a lot more difficult to make in the aftermarket.  It’s not impossible but the more basic car functions the screen is required to control the harder it

That’s why I have advocated for requiring EV chargers being installed in the same way handicapped parking spots are required. Basically copy and paste those regulations/rules from whatever state/town you are in and just remove the location requirement, most places require they be x feet from the entrance, and you

Yeah I mean who would drive 500 miles straight, and this is coming from someone who averages 8+ hours a day of driving if I am road tripping. Like I did Colorado Springs to my house straight and that was 13+ hours.  All 500 miles in an EV means is more battery, meaning heavier, and longer charging when you do drain it.

a DEEP cavity search I want them tickling your tonsils from behind LOL

But that is typically for cars that only had navigation, audio and backup camera functionality. Not integration of things like AC, seat controls, among other vehicle functions. The more stuff is controlled inside the screen exclusively the hard it is to make an aftermarket unit. Would it technically be possible,

Sure 500 miles range is nice, but it’s not really needed, give us 300 miles real world range in say 90% of conditions, except towing, and you are fine, since that’s what the vast majority of ICE vehicles will average.

This is exactly WHY current vehicles will likely never be collectable in the future, save some super small run exotics. When everything is controlled via the screen once it shits the bed and there aren’t aftermarket ones, the vehicle is essentially a brick. Doing aftermarket for audio, backup camera and navigation is

100% this, especially in the south. You find a tiny, kind of shitty looking, gas station in some small town that has food, I don’t mean like roller grill stuff or heat and eat Deli Express stuff, but like actual food, it’s probably better than any food you have had at any of the big chain stores known for food. And if

Another reason is that for many their electricity prices are sky high”

But at the price of one of the major EV’s home charging shouldn’t really be an issue, unless you live in an apartment/rent, which to be fair a lot of people do.  But heck even if you rent I would assume a lot of landlords would be ok with installing a charger, assuming you don’t take it with you.  That’s a potential

Well I have never been there, but there ARE some tiny specs of a town that I would assume have a gas station, EV Charging not so much. The actual drive according to Google Maps, is just shy of 500 miles, Fairbanks to Prudhoe.  

Well considering there don’t appear to be any EV charging locations between Fairbanks and Prudhoe Bay, which is 350+ miles as the crow flies, I suspect the odds are HIGH, like Snoop Dogg high

Obviously, I mean it’s got the chain RIGHT THERE lol.

Counter point just redneck engineer a chainsaw motor onto a bike and make  a real chainsaw powered bike.

Yeah here they go into “older” areas of town, for instance the street I grew up on, and buy existing houses, more often than not they are in fine enough shape, like not falling down shit holes, and tear them down to build what are referred to in town, though there is also a company by the same name, “Aggie Shacks”,

Yup and while it might be a pain to go through the time and expense of pulling permits, that time and money is still gonna be less than the fines you get for not doing it the right way to begin with. But also my mom is the type of person to come up with some big project but have no clue how and what it involves to get

We have a couple of districts like that in my town as well.  But we also have damn investors buying up houses in older neighborhoods tearing them down and building 5/5 houses for student housing in what were normally single family areas, and just driving up the house prices for everyone.  And these 5/5 houses they

There are a couple of reasons why it wouldn’t really work in the US. First and foremost is the sheer size of the US, it mostly works in the northeast since geographically things are close together. But say in Texas where I live, like it can take a fully DAY to drive across the state, and that’s at 70+ mph. But the

Makes sense, it was doubly strange for me since my dad passed like 30+ years ago and my mom essentially didn’t date ANYONE until her and John got together so I was like oh ok that’s a thing now LOL. The oddest part for me though was she 100% picked up his mannerisms like the way he talks, he does a weird pause