
No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite,” The quote is from Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk

Those boys sure better be glad that I didn’t come along when this was going on or they they each would have a scar on their face that day would never forget.

World Maps that show the expected results of climate change have land shrinking, People’s maybe forced out of there countries. Realtor can buy Highland Property but they will be crowded, because you can’t make people disappear. There are places in Florida where the water has receded so much that it took the good life

White kids should sue their parents for teaching and imposing Racism and Prejudice on a young impressionable mind. It should be against the law. Because who would choose such a state of mind where whenever they see a Black person they feel fear, or hate, uncomfortable, and can’t enjoy themselves. And it is like a

Sick sob

Without self-confidence we are as babes in the cradle. And how can we generate this imponderable quality, which is yet so invaluable, most quickly? By thinking that other people are inferior to oneself. Virginia wolf. 

Did trump pay him to quit? Sounds like He was the only one standing up now if he goes whose going to point out the evil carp trump and his people are getting away with?

I don’t care what the intention were if any symbol or sign becomse to represent something other than what I respected and appreciated it for, or believed it to mean then I would let it go, whether it was the hole cross, or the American flag.

There is a lot of road rage here in Florida it has the highest record for pedestrians hit by vehicles in the country. I’ve had several black people tell me that they were literally run off the highway, just bullied out of the way by white peolpe a bigger vehicle. I have never been anywhere and seen people drive right

Thank you it certainly took more than 5% to build places such as Rosewood and other small townships throughout this country. Some do not want to admit what their oppression and suppression of people would cause.

Sick racist

When is Florida going to come to its senses and legalize marijuana, they really need the money. And already the evil forces of racism are at work trying to prevent blacks from the growing license, and Retail and wholesale venues. Jesse Jackson had to go to Seattle to deal with the discrimination problem, and only

Many Blacks copy many of the white man’s ways. You will run into blacks in the south who respond to blacks no different than a racist white would and parts of Washington state as well. You can run into black police officers that act more prejudiced than the white cop that they are with when it comes to his own people.

Well how does she think it became a popular movement if nobody was doing anything about it. She just feels guilty because she likes white trash. They may be the best-looking of the trash but you noticed no other real white woman would have them. Whites say ‘trash’ is supposed to marry, “up” it means better white

I don’t care what the intention were if any symbol or sign becomes to represent something other than what I respected and appreciated it for, or believed it to mean, then I would let it go, whether it was the hole cross, or the American flag.

I really am surprised at black women being disappointed that they’re not in there. For one thing I remember seeing the movie starring the young Clint Eastwood a civil war soldier who got lost badly wounded and Came Upon a common girls school and none of them were dressed rich like you see in that picture. I don’t

In situations like this you just have to pray the good Lord will find a way that these people responsible will not get away with this something may happen.

They don’t call them “the devil” for nothing.

That’s right I heard the other day on the radio I think it was Science Friday PBS they are making chemicals that affect the melanin of the skin. White people really don’t like whiteness so much they prefer a little tent of darkness because it makes them look better. Look how many of them suffered sunburn trying to get

They try to stop us from owning anything. Jesse Jackson recently went to Washington State that races armpit so that black can get marijuana grow farms permit. Florida legislation just passed the law for 7 medical marijuana grow Farms one to be black owned. Otherwise blacks would have never gotten a permit.