
Sounds the racist conservative talk show host. They want you to think just because somebody wants a doll that look like them, that means they don’t like them white doll or white people. It has nothing to do with being against anybody or anything. Conservatives have a problem with people having a choice.

How about a campaign asking parents not to teach Prejudice to their kids. Because it’s like a bad seed. When it shows up it’s very ugly, and backfires because people will not tolerate they’re racist actions anymore.

The police are responsible, we know there are drugs that can make a person despondent. But The taser is made to take down and immobilize a big man when it is ‘fully charged,’ when not fully charged it results in the cop having to use the gun and it is their fault because those things should be charged over each shift.

Anyone in the service trades, and those with what they call preconditions will be the most vulnerable, and susceptible and and the CDC knows many blacks fit that category. So if a black kid was living the middle or upper class life, and the parents, don’t work in service trades, or high exposure jobs like nursing

That’s really bad news for Florida because the system they use is so screwball some people don’t know how much they owe, and some people will never be able to pay.

Anti-racism “is fundamentally identifying the structures, policies and beliefs that create racism in society,” said Terence Keel, an associate professor at UCLA. anti-racism is moving from being a nonracist or a colorblind person toward commitment to racial healing and justice, 

What would Martin Luther King do? If we deface their statues, then they would feel justified in defacing any statues they wanted to.

There is no giving up on that issue. The law has to be changed. which is sad because that would mean statues of more respectable characters of historic events or War designations could be removed may be removed as well.

Thank thank you. We need to see this and be our own judge. Because when he says he ran to his mother to protect her, you certainly don’t start throwing bottles from there to draw his attention he must have changed positions. As far as self-preservation, just because I take you on with bottles doesn’t mean I don’t want

White kids should sue racist parents for imposing Racism and Prejudice on their young impressionable minds. It should be against the law because who would choose such a state of mind? Like a curse whenever they see a Black they feel fear, hate, uncomfortable, and can’t enjoy themselves. A Racist is like a time-bomb

So they are still blaming the clothes, “wardrobe wardrobe malfunction” when it was a white boy that clearly pulled the material open.

It’s it’s quite understandable why any woman protecting a child may grab Something that’s being pointed at her midsection automatically without thinking.  this is why we need the United Nations these devils like to play like they got no sense Or that we don't.

The the main reason I am so glad this happened is because so many blacks don’t think other blacks are doing anything for them. Even while we reap the benefits of the NAACP, actions of Jesse Jackson getting people raises at Boeing Sharpton and others. We can just teach our kids in a in a sit down one-on-one talk to

In 1968, Lee declared in one of his “Stan’s Soapbox” segments that bigotry and racism were “among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today.” He suggested the only way to destroy them was by revealing them “for the insidious evils they really are”: Stan Lee Marvel Comics.

White kids should sue racist parents for imposing Racism and Prejudice on their young impressionable minds. It should be against the law because who would choose such a state of mind? Like a curse whenever they see a Black they feel fear, hate, uncomfortable, and can’t enjoy themselves. A Racist is like a time-bomb

U.N. racism investigator to visit U.S. from Monday GENEVA (Reuters) - A special U.N. human rights investigator will visit the United States this month to probe racism, an issue that has forced its way into the race to secure the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination #blacktwittermovement

Racism refers to the systematic advantaging of One race or disadvantaging of another or others. Widely considered a form of domination, which is cultural thus “cultural racism,” or “institutional racism,” is sometimes specified. While non-whites May well exhibit prejudice against white people, some argue that since no

Given that white colonizers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were living on stolen land and living off stolen labor, these colonizers had to defend their plunder from the Indigenous and enslaved populations who were resisting their dispossession and exploitation. Patrick D. Anderson 07 Mar 2018