
At first I thought you must be talking about Seattle Washington. not only are you suspected if you are running but if you have a physique they suspect you have been to jail. I remember in St Petersburg Florida I was walking at a fast pace trying to get to the bus stop in one of them country Tom Brother said to me as I

If you had some full blast in his stereo right next door to you or parking in a car outside of your house you would say different.

That’s their Nazi way; create papers on you, fingerprint, and photograph. They are very insecure, they need to know who you are, Where You Are, what you are, because you are the enemy. But Personally I hate people who make too much noise. A lot of black people just want to disrespect others by talking loud on their

One thing I hated about Florida you can play your music as loud as you want up until 12 o’clock in the crazy blacks take full advantage of that; at that point, I wouldn’t care if they shot him and dragged him out on the street by with a rope.

In that list the hores brings to mind the black teen that was shot by a white man because he was playing playing his car stereo too loud. Black people need to get to understand one thing about white people they don’t like loud. I’m black I’m from the north and when I am South people talk loud on the phone on the bus

I tell you this she knows what she’s talking about. I know during our short stay in Seattle Washington whites people don’t bite their tongue when it comes to saying, “white trash.” White trash is a word commonly used among white people black people know what it means. Basically poor whites, generally poorly educated,

Texas is such an evil place that’s why it draws so much natural disasters Texas is the Devil’s Playground.

And that school was smart they would get rid of that guy because a person who would do something that sick has underlying problems.

That’s the trouble with teaching kids prejudice when they grow up you never know how it’s going to show itself.

Why don’t they make the test there and ask why is trash White

We should teach kids about pigmentation and skin color around the same age they are learning to tell the time and tie their shoes. I know one joke among white people about Star Trek’s coming up with a “Black Vulcan.” They can’t imagine how that would be possible. It would only mean that planet Vulcan has an equator

We should teach kids about pigmentation and skin color around the same age they are learning to tell the time and tie their shoes. I know one joke among white people about Star Trek’s coming up with a “Black Vulcan.” They can’t imagine how that would be possible. It would only mean that planet Vulcan has an

Working to the world Court the NAACP, and the United Nations we African-Americans need to demand a black state.

Withholding medicine withholding the cure to see how much damage it will do. I don’t think you can even do this to animals today. but they don’t call the the white man the devil for nothing

they are nothing but a bunch of pigs.

I am not surprised and Florida is the only place I’ve been where the young people seem to go out of their way to be annoying to other black people, especially when it comes to talking loud on their cell phones around people. When one of them gets taken out everybody just thinks, “that’s one more fool they don’t have

This is strange and bizarre to find young white people this ignorant in 2017, They must hire them from Seattle Washington or Backwater Mississippi.

No that’s not weird that is white racism at its best.

If one of her white friends saw that before they’re not going to say anything.

Why kids should sue their parents; for imposing racism on a young impressionable mind should be against the law.For who would choose to have such a mindset? This goes to show that teaching a child racism and bigotry is not only a perfect curse so that they get upset, fearful, angry, or agitated every time they