
Not the actor, the character. Doesn't have the regional accent, hence my "badabing".

"Sorry, I got about 100 pounds of TP crammed in there."

Where is Sheriff Moe Dammik from? I kept waiting for a badabing badaboom out of him.

That moment when Gloria has Donnie to pull the school bus over to talk to her son over the phone.

That was quite possibly my favorite episode ever, not just for Fargo but in my 50 years of TV viewing.

And Ray's reaction to Sy hitting his car was seen from the front in the ads. "What the—" *sigh*

If this season turns out to be a Thaddeus Mobley story from 1988 East Berlin…

I can still visualise her nutcracker caboose.

Nor did they focus on MEW's face for her "unfathomable" line.

I like how, for four seasons, no one much cared for any storyline outside of the Bateses (Norma and Norman), except for wanting Emma to be in more scenes. Now, this season came and it was in your face, including the tacked-on Remo giving Dylan a gun scene.

Highmore and Kerry Ehrin are developing their own series together.

"[Norman's] not dangerous to me." Dylan tells Emma with a scar on his forehead.

"Swango and Stussy" such a perfect line delivery after their bridge entrances.

Officially ready for this series to end. I appreciate the way they let Emma say goodbye to Norman and finally giving Olivia her episode, but when this one was over I thought "Wtf did I just watch?" Every scene was a "nope" for me. Am just glad Kerry and Carlton are writing the finale. One more batshit Mother scene

Carlton Cuse once said this series is an homage to the Twin Peaks series. While that analogy still holds, I think a more fitting TPesque death for Chick should've been him tossing the coon bag into the car and it coming alive to attack him while the lady deputy watches and laughs.

Hats off to Highmore for filming through a raised toilet seat!

Sooo RiRi is going to be the one Sam shtupped at the motel? That's one way to save Maddie's marriage. Though I half-expected their friendly walk in the forest to be her end.

Despite some odd bit of dialogue, this was my favorite episode of the season, and possibly series, to date. I've never fully cared for the Caleb character but this was the best vehicle for him (no pun intended). Nor their use of Farmiga this season, but it clicked here. And Chick pwned everyone in every scene! But

I didn't mind the Rance/Regan redux for most of the season, but the way they killed off Chris was wah-wah for me (and everyone else done in by her). The line to get Chris to realize that Cap'n Howdy was behind her had no impact, just like her "accidental death" was accepted by the police (even if one of them was in on

"It's the smiles that keep us going. The bits of giggles and good cheer."