
My internet went out so I was forced to watch live TV. To my delight, Frequency was one that I first came across. I didn't see the film, and I haven't seen Timeless, so this was perfect. If it wasn't for the CW ads popping up, I wouldn't notice this being one of its shows. Stylishly done, finely crafted between time

"Death, it's a rough one, idnit?"

I'll never think of "I'll Be Home For Christmas" in the same way again.

"A man is an angel that has gone deranged."

Anika Noni Rose as Special Agent Liz Babbitt, ladies and gentlemen.

I wonder if Highmore pitched his writing idea as: Norman comes home to a freezing house; everyone has to stay in the motel for warmth; peephole origin?

I'm so glad they got the heat fixed because I kept seeing a future Dr Who in Highmore in the scarf. "This is who I am, right here, right now, all right? All that counts is here and now, and this is me!"


He was even on top!

The Romecca hug goodbye looked just awkward. She's not leaving town quietly. Psychobitches don't do that. Amirite Norma?

I had my mental film tie-in finder set to Auto on this episode, so the "fruit cellar" and Director Guyliner's framework set off bells. Now, I have to break out the alcohol for future tie-in drinking games.

"Welcome home, Norman."

Two words: Scott Kosar. Wrote this episode, last season's "The Deal" and the screenplays for The Machinist, The Crazies and the reboots of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Amityville Horror. I'm sure he had some Bates canon to follow, but come back anytime, dude.

Vera Farmiga's next Emmy submission should be this episode. The whole episode. But I would vote her in just for the window directions.

The "old Norma" has been missed. Haven't seen much of her in this relatively young season: the only time I recall is when she begged Dr. Edwards on the front porch of Pineview to help Norman. "The Vault" is also where she has kept herself.

I honestly thought this episode was shaping up to be filler, written by someone I've never seen in the series credits before. To me, it was, until the last 15 minutes or so when it all fell together nicely with the break-in and Norman's realization, coupled with the fact that no one "got hurt". But this cast could

"Why don't you do it until they tell you to have me do it?"

This show is bringing in around 500k viewers. I doubt it will last long. A&E yanked Those Who Kill which had more viewers then stuck it on a cable movie channel. I would rather see reruns of Bates follow its first runs than whatever this show is.

The only thing that saved this episode for me was Ann in Damien's bathroom "freshening up". Anytime a cougar wants to do that in mine, sign me up. And I was a little put off by Herschel, I mean Lyons, telling Damien he is fearful of Ann in one scene then trying to cut her out of the club the next. This episode must've

Dunno but 1986 sure was hell for me.