
I half expected Swango & Wrench to come out of the second elevator bloodied from killing those inside to ambush the others. Was almost correct, only Wrench got red.

My favorite Gloria moment was her politely knocking on the interrogation room door. Then every scene after with her in it.

IF Nikki becomes a Varga employee, I certainly hope Mr. Wrench (or Gloria) is the one to do her in. You cannot have the mystical bowling alley scene and her taking up the sword of vengeance, then punk out in the finale. She needs to bilk Varga then shotgun him. Or be his minion then twist the blade.

Thank you, Keith Gordon, an actor turned director, for directing this and the finale. Only an actor's director can capture expository episodes well. Sometimes I zone out during lengthy dialogue, but we've never really had it this season (sans Varga) so seeing it here and shot so well, while subtly showing background

Also, I expect a decorating reveal of the receptionist to enter the Stussy office elevator as normal then exit it as Ray Wise or vice versa

I honestly thought their leaving the parking lot in the Vee Dub and that there was no immediate fade nor cut to black was the last we see them. But that was just to reveal Ol' One-Ear.

He's Wrench, I'm Swango.

Best. Opening sequence. Ever!

"There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house."

Just to be clearer, I was making a Breaking Bad reference.

The Americans is the most shocking at the ratings falloff.

More of a pain in the neck.

During the Sy-Swanko meeting, I expected the goons to show up, I expected blood would be on the snow (since he mentioned it), I did not expect it to be hers. As stated above, I felt more tension in those few moments than the entirety tonight. Didn't buy it the following week.

Varga had the blue to himself, judging by his teeth

I think Emmit's shallow end of the pool just got a little shittier.

I've never been too good with names.
The cellar door was open, I could never stay away.
I know it's prob'ly not my place.
It's either or, I'm hoping for a simple way to say.

The undimpled chin would be a dead giveaway but I guess she didn't notice that…

I wanted to give this a shot, borne out of my Allison Tolman love, but the dog's voice in all the promos grated on my nerves. Then within the first two minutes, he said "like" over a dozen times; and Tolman seemed to be a secondary character (surprisingly since she is adored from the dog's POV). So I'll pass. Nice

If Nikki dies, we riot!

"No…For Pete's sake, I'm wearing a hooker wig!"