
Finally, the basement is cleaned out for mummified Norma and her rocking chair. Thank you, Mother!

Now taking applications for The Pit, which appears to be the movie's "swamp", should it remain till next season or after. According to the majority here, we now know who should (and probably will) be first.

If this were a different show, I would applaud Peltz as Bradley in this episode. But you know they brought her back to further advance The Norma Persona. This episode needed just five to ten more minutes of him coming out bloody from Bradley's motel room, since absolutely no one knows she is back. That would be a

Norma Bates wields a mean shovel. Yet another instance, like scaling the wall at Arcanum, that she doesn't care about fashion when she's on a mission.

Oh and the window rocker & window Norma.

Movie shoutouts:
"We all go a little mad sometimes."
Stuffed owl.

Season 1&2 normal Norma was hawter.

She was on the wrong side there, and then dumped him. My second thought was: Can he operate heavy machinery to quickly cover her up?

Slutty Norma and Imaginary Juno. Makes for a great children's book!

Points for the cell phone ringtone fakeout, even for a burner phone.

Chick-ism o' the week: "Don't talk about me in the third-person…"

Take Responsibility For Your Sex

Great directing/cinematography in the last scene. Showing Paige on the phone then her parents sitting next to theirs not realizing its importance at the moment. Then showing the evil empire as Paige mouths the R-word to her confidant. Just beautiful.

This show just needs its own Emmy categories. Period. Writing, directing, acting, and editing. I bet even the food service on set is amazing.

Another eww to the used car salesman and his rubbing his hands together as Norma got out of the car. Doubt he was cold.

I thought Norman's first mental break in his mother's room would've been cool had it not been done in the film "Secret Garden", but then we had others from "Psycho", which some have waited for.

My only minor complaint with this episode was Norma shooting the phone. All season long, we've seen previews of her shooting something. The phone was a funny letdown that only she can pull it off.

"Wanna hug it out?"

"Okay, quiet everyone! Now Vera, do that batshit thing you do. Annd ACTION!"

Planet Farmiga. Sign me up for the space shuttle trip!