
One other thing I noticed: Elizabeth's longgggg look at the manager when he first tries to leave the hotel room. Her gaze is like "Seriously, it takes forever to look this good!" So she hooks him back into the boat.

For those interested, SOMs are still around!

Seen 'em, had 'em. Still have one in a climate controlled room somewhere, just in case this MP3 idea fails. An 8-track too!

I think it was to show Paige's influences outside of the Pastor's bug in her ear. The GH clip especially. The football stuff sets up a possible buddy system with the guys. The rest is cake icing for us!

Note to Henry: It's perfectly okay to take the Sears catalog into the bathroom with you. No one will suspect a thing, until they get to the stuck together women's underwear pages.


Soooo Stan is clearing out his wife's stuff at home=Bringing work home=Henry seeing the drawings and saying "Duuude! Those pics look just like Mom and Daaaad!"

VCRs, another story.

The meme for this one should be Philip's off-camera glare at Pastor Mike's "suggestion". He would've been neatly tucked into that Legos drawer if I were Philip.

I officially curse my 1980s influencers for not introducing me to Strat-O-Matic football. This analytical guy woulda been all over that shit!

At first I thought it was a Betamax.

Stand and Deliver

Comes on again an hour before the new one next week.

Usually Norman's on top.

Just dress modestly!

“She told me she was working at a party, I didn’t think she was a magician.”

I think he is aware of his blackouts but not until after. Hence, his near-drowning. If he was aware during them, then the rational part of him would snap him out of them before harm is done. I think he really liked Miss Watson as a mentor/teacher but she kinda crossed that line.

Not a good promotional ad for call girls this season: "YOU can make $10K a weekend! (Side effects: Major abdominal pain up to and including death)"

My first thought: Please don't let that be Norman dressing up…yet.
My second thought: Oh shit, it's slutty Emma.

For those who came in late, S&L is more about RP's character trying to prove his innocence by alienating his neighbors once he sees their deviances that could relate to the boy's murder. He goes to near illegal means to find their secrets, which should get him arrested every day. The only reason I myself watch this