
IF (how can I make that bigger?) they bring this show back, they better start with full-on Culper Ring. It's okay to set up how it came about, but not for 10 episodes, then simply mention the shortened name and motivation to spy.

It's borderline 1 million viewers. AMC canx'ed Rubicon with better numbers.

Don't forget the spyglasses.

We send a gold-plated record into space but put Echo on a floppy? Although I missed the sounds of a PC trying to read those things. Nice job, sound department!

The only thing I thought of in Jared's too-long death scene was Tim Roth in "Reservoir Dogs". He took a half-movie to die, but both sounded very similar in their "I'm a cop/I'm a spy" confessions.

Kudos to those of us who thought the religious angle was a way to turn Paige into a spy. We weren't too far off!

This whole season kinda reminds of a "Three's Company" episode. Most of their episodes would've been cut short if certain things were brought to light early on. In "The Americans", if Granny had told the Jennings early on about the 2nd-generation program, they or us could've figured it out. I, for one, suspected the

Just remember the name: Malvo.

"Pete, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I don't intend to dignify with comment. But I would like to address your general attitude of hopeless negativism. Consider the lilies of the goddamn field or… hell! Take at look at Delmar here as your paradigm of hope."
"Yeah, look at me."

I like intelligent killers, but I also don't need, um, "preachiness" (I'll call it). Usually when killers get verbose is when their prey sees a chance to retaliate. That could happen to Malvo one day.

I think she saw it sort of askew or maybe some scrape marks in the floor. Still, we could've used a POV shot there. I know she's smart, but to go from looking around to reaching into the back of an appliance is damn near psychic genius!

Did ya notice she didn't replace the cover? Ooooo!

He was mumbling something about "Frank Peterson" into his cell phone when Grimly arrived to check on the dog and made him drop the phone. I would think that means someone should expect a call about him.

You are correct. I keep forgetting his little asides. Also, when he saw Grimly first arrive at Stavros' house, he called his handler about the Peterson plan.

I refuse to pick a fave episode this season, but this is a front-runner. I laughed with it more than its predecessors, knowing I shouldn't: Lester's look when the Misters mention staying in the cell, Molly describing the motel woman, Molly harshing on Thurman for leaving his daughter with that name, the whole

Wouldn't it be cool if he was actually the avenging Lutheran minister, and "Malvo" is the alias?

They lingered on Gus so long from the front, I actually did expect to see Malvo behind him when he moved.

I will never think of "Open the pod bay doors, Hal" in the same way again. The door being the nipple…or is it the box?

I'd like for Sandra to find out about Nina. Less guilt about her fling and I doubt she'll see it as "part of the job".