
I'm really hoping the triad storyline leads to Larrick tracking Jared to the Jennings; Stan tracking Jared to Larrick (believing he's the guy he's looking for); a Jennings needing saving from Larrick by Stan, who doesn't make the connection.

Paige Possible…oh, wait.

Larrick dies via PB&B. Tragic.

Would be a nice twist. Elizabeth has wanted to protect him from that letter and knowing about his parents; Kate tells him undisguised in broad daylight.

They had to call the series this. The first title with two Ds in the middle was not approved.

If you squint, you can almost see the bat symbol in the above image. See, even the show logo isn't a bat-logo!

Ahso, I vaguely remember that now. That was during one of StraHOTski's scenes where I tune everything else out.

What's the over-under as to whom the next mole-turn is? I refuse to believe the "girlfriend" (who I thought was just a hooker) is the only one.

If they give him some amount of closure at the end (w/ Audrey or Chloe or even his daughter), I wouldn't mind that. Let the world adapt to post-Jack rather than the reverse.

Note to future agencies: Keep the people associated with Jack in separate buildings.


It was standard 24 fare, but I found I missed that over the years. There aren't too many terrorist-hero shows on the networks or basic cable for those of us who can only afford it.

Don't forget "DAMMIT!" I literally fist-pumped when he said that in the second hour.

And co-creator/episode writer Kerry Ehrin who pretty much pwn'ed this season was absent. She was there for the god-awful premiere post-show.

Things I learned in the "After Hours" post-show:
• Max Thieriot (Dylan) has a full beard now for his next film project.
• Farmiga is an actual dancer.
• Kenny Johnson (Caleb) is a champion arm wrestler (which can be found if Googled. I didn't before tonight.).

Maybe next season he'll navigate better in his mother's heels?

The finale had some predictability to it, but the acting and directing are what makes this series one of my all-time faves. I've said before that, if you turn off the "film inevitability" for all these characters and just watch things work, it could be a standalone series, without the "prequel" feel. It is nicely

March seems to be the usual season start. Production won't start till this fall.

I thought the Zane entrapment storyline was a bit odd until I saw Sheriff Shotgun. Then I realized the entire drug story was not about Ford, the Morgans, not even Dylan. It was all about the machine that is White Pine Bay and the sheriff hired to keep the wheels greased.

The only film "anchors" I recall are the vehicles, the clothing styles, and the small amount of money (by today's standards) that Crane stole before taking that fateful drive. But once she sees that neon sign, time, in my opinion, as she does and mentions, becomes "trapped". Everything from that point on could be told