Life is a Playlist

Thanks. July will be a year. I just finally got over it two months ago, I guess. Holidays were very hard because I was in the hospital far from home. I'm good now though. Took about a month for every year we were together. I think I once read that's healthy.

Hmm, good point. I never considered what he could have been telling them.

His life must have been pretty empty and meaningless if a few lines of a short obituary was dedicated to that message.

I was with my ex for seven years. I had thought of his family as my own. We got along famously well. After the breakup, I hear that they never really liked me all that much.

There are a few people that work for AT&T and Comcast who probably hate me, but I am an otherwise super chill person.

"She got me a note from Hillary Clinton on Secretary of State [stationery] to me as Selina Meyer. It's really special, and I have it framed in my office."

My laughs are all real. When not able to laugh at something that isn’t funny, I just laugh at the person who made the shitty joke. They’re none the wiser.

I grew up as middle class as they come in Maryland. We still took flying vacations every year.

Karen Blake: That seems like a pretty open and shut case for sexual harassment and retaliation. You could have ended up owning that chain.

Are you suggesting nobody in the newsroom knew what it looked like?

No way. She was not born poor. Does not lack friends. Still parties. May enjoy coke. Famous way before 19.

Fake, or so many details carefully changed that we'll never figure out who it is.

Rihanna did not have overnight success. In fact, they thought she'd never make a second album because the first did not do that well. Rihanna also takes plenty of time off work and takes full advantage of it. She parties a lot, drinks a lot and smokes hella weed. None of the details in that post point to Rihanna.

Even if this were real, it would not be Rihanna. She takes time off and also takes full advantage of it.

In all fairness, his tiny ears probably couldn't hear what the lady was saying. He could have perceived her as a threat.

No, the car says that it's not calculated and he just doesn't give two shits about what he is wearing. The jury never sees your car. I can understanding dressing down when you're playing it up for the jury, but you do not have to do so to and from court. Some people just cannot be bothered with appearances and

Pastes lyrics of Thift Shop here.

As someone who has an ever fluctuating weight due to Crohn's Disease (sometimes as much as 20 lbs up or down in a matter of two weeks), I can understand this. Not only do I get tired of buying clothes in seven different sizes, I still feel fat in my skinny phases and do not think my body is as small as it actually is.

I am the only person who thinks I am important.