Life is a Playlist

My favorite Ripken moment is when they were giving him prizes for breaking the consecutive game record. Naturally, a GM truck was one of the prizes. I remember seeing a closeup of him turning to Kelly and mouthing something along the lines of "oh great, another one."

Says everybody who lives in a 50 mile radius of Aberdeen, but doesn't actually know shit.

She has her own money.

It does feel like it was at least five years ago. Maybe even seven.

I've thought about this case since it went off the radar.

Hardy har har! Because the helicopter utilization rate will be 100%, right?!

One quick Google search would have answered that for you. You're welcome.

No, but wanting to pay less and acting like they did is déclassé.

Sorry, I was really feeling a connection with you, too.

I'm sorry for doing that to you. I was really feeling a connection!

Interesting. When I had to lock someone out of a joint account the only way to do so was to close the account. They didn't want to get in between our beef and if I could order it frozen, my partner could order it unfrozen because it was a joint account.

Yet it is still 100x more interesting than what you have to say.

Please come back to mother Earth.

You're right.

If she does what he claims, what she does would have never been let out in open court. He would have been taken care of in one form or another by her or someone else to make sure her secrets stayed safe.

Or this is just a dog and pony show and they assume their citizens aren't too bright.

This is great news to receive just as their economy crashes.

Because her taxes are probably a little more complicated than filing a 1040EZ.

It's not just you. I love eating Wendy.

Is it just me or is that a pretty spacious cabin for only carrying eight?