
“...and was purposefully done to reflect the son.”

I would kill the fucking fool who took a pic of me with morning sickness, hanging all whichaway in the toilet. Would not post pic on social media. What's wrong with these folks??!!???

(did you read the article?)

Help! My parents are going to buy a gaming laptop for my 10-year-old son as a reward for making excellent grades. He favorites are Minecraft, the FNAFs (and a few other Steam games), and Roblox. He has 2 tablets (iOS and Android) and a little Asus laptop (more like a little chrome book), all used for gaming, blogging

They named this plus-size style “Georgia”, and I can’t help but wonder:

They named this plus-size style “Georgia”, and I can’t help but wonder:

Mind blowing. This reminds me of a blog I read on this site that dealt with time, and if it even exists. The star exploded so long ago, already over it and moved on. But in our slice of space&time, it just happened. Our “present” is the star’s “past”, and in the same moment, we exist together in the present in the

When I was fifteen, my friend Suzanne and I went on a double date with two guys from my high school. I knew they smoked weed, which I had never seen, smelled, or been around in my entire life.

I was a B before baby, a C while breastfeeding, and then settled in at a B (but just barely).

Did they take the $5?

I am a little slow with technology, so just recently I realized that I just need to flip on location services and ask for “_______ near me” when I need something. But still. Doesn’t solve every situation, such as directions to Vidalia.

She (Siri) isn’t good with southern accents... Is your friend from the south? I cannot get anything in the neighboring town using Siri unless I pronounce town name exactly right. And this pronunciation Siri prefers is so freaking hard to achieve! I almost never get it right and quit trying when I get the urge to bust

Holy shit. Super hot... Come to mama!!!!

You nailed it. The self-righteousness is sickening.

!! I can relate. A couple of people I hung out with from high school have shown up on Facebook this many years later, “saved”. And loud and proud about all kinds of crazy shit (often expressed through memes). You gotta wonder what exactly happened to cause this big change in personality...

Very close, but Hayden’s face is a little bit fuller than Gigi’s, in the same way that Liv’s face is fuller than Bella’s. All beautiful ladies. I like Gigi’s nose better than Kate’s.

This can’t be right! She’s a Weimeriner (sic)

Sebastian Bach was an Afghan Hound in the 80's. He probably still is.

And thank you for the link! I’m checking it out now.

I stand corrected (I tried to remember which grade I was in at twelve, but it was a looooooong time ago:)

It’s Kate Hudson and Liv Tyler.