
Apparently, Allah commanded Muhammad that women should dress that way, so yes, their faith requires it. And I don’t believe I stuttered. I said that I would like to talk with a Muslim woman about how that requirement liberates her.

I personally enjoyed how you refused to answer any of my actual questions or points, with the exception of the ones you misread or changed to fit your diatribe :)

Keep assuming that being religious = being a hateful retard. Speaking of which, fuck you...

By the way, I do find it a bit insulting to use “claim” to describe literal statements from actual people. Give someone the benefit of the doubt: when they say they want you to leave them alone, not pushing beliefs on them? Take their word for it, since you can’t read their minds.

I’ll FTFY. Religion, in almost its entirety, needs to change. Any time a religion teaches you that people who don’t believe should be treated with anything else than love and respect (because, shocker: We’re all fuxing human beings), there’s something wrong with that religion.

I’m definitely in a “comfort zone” at my current job. This is the longest I’ve enjoyed working at a company (since the longest before this was about 3 weeks, it’s not a high bar heheh), and after 30-ish years in the work force, I think I’ve covered a lot. Unfortunately, I can see the flamethrower in the tunnel ahead.

I would place money on Dwayne Johnson knowing more about how our government worked at election time than the commander-in-cheetos.

Must be a republican. Saying stuff “I think I speak for everyone...” when you know there’s no way possible in any universe.

I’m relatively sure we couldn’t possibly look any worse on the world stage. And I’m sorry, but the theory of putting a life-time politician in the position is a bad one. As much as this cheeto-topped muffin is screwing things up, we’ve got to find some intelligent way to put someone in who isn’t just going to keep

At least he’d have a legitimate reason for some of the more outrageous stunts he’d pull, unlike our current Commander in Cheetos.

you mean the kid who was raping a girl behind a dumpster and only stopped because two people happened to come by and scare him off? and the courts(ie... some old white judge) thought that jail might ruin his future? because he cleaned up all nice and white for his court date. instead of being the vicious sexual

I think we can all agree that this is an instance where dealing with the guy with extreme force was perfectly justified. I’m guessing ‘road rage.

From the United States Department of Justice Archives, rape is defined as:

If Venus entered the intersection legally, then it becomes.the responsibility those in the newly green side of the intersection to verify that the intersection is clear.

Hmmmm why would the police claim Venus Williams was at fault before they had even reviewed all the evidence...hmmm I wonder.

But they didn’t enter it lawfully. In most states, after a light changes green, the intersection has to be clear of traffic before it can be legally entered.

Personally, I don’t care about whether Daniel Tosh or Adrienne Truscott tell funny or unfunny rape jokes. Comedians do that—tell some jokes that are funny and some that aren’t.

While according to the CBO, this will remove healthcare from some 22Million people, it will also allow insurance companies to pad their numbers by removing basic care needs like Maternity coverage and prescriptions.

The absolute horrid thing is that “a lot of Americans” wanted him.