Lieutenant Tanktop

That's the thing. There's not a proper sense of 'this is my admittedly biased opinion, for what it's worth' at AVC lately. It's more 'This is an ironclad truth and I know we all agree because I say so, so I'm going to speak with total authority.' It also seems like clickhate for the clickbait. Oooh controversial!

This is a ridiculously over-simplistic view of this series. First off, Lange's character in 'Asylum' is genuinely nothing like the admittedly-similar characters in the three other series. Also, I don't think Evan Peters is playing remotely the same character over and over again. We've seen him move from sociopath to


Might've been the New Yorker, actually!

Sucks dick we never got to know each other.

Your point? It's McCriticism, rather than an actually intelligent analysis. And the tones of anti-intellectualism throughout certainly bear that out. Paper-thin female characters aside, it's like Ms. Nussbaum saw a show with two male leads and formed her own judgments and prejudices. She ignored many of the themes

…i'd watch that.

That NYT article is the most tonedeaf thing I've ever read. Yeah, I agree that the female characters in TDS1 were a bit thin. But I grow weary of the anti-intellectualism of labeling any show's attempt to tackle deep themes "dorm-room" (every TV critic's recent favorite, along with "pretentious", which is starting to

Dude, I'm starting to think this shit is on purpose. They're catering to Western ideas of 'weird' Asian stereotypes because they know it'll make them popular here. Kinda shitty.


…at least until we discover the mask made of baby feet that Regis has spirited away in his cavernous basement.

I know indisputable facts aren't really the far right fundie's strong suit…but debating the pagan/druidic origins of Christmas?

Xenophobic isn't the term. A xenophobe is someone who is afraid of or are hateful towards foreigners. These are people with deformities, not foreigners (Matt being a Brit is incidental).

'lobster hand fisting' seems more accurate.

Asylum was one of the best seasons of television in history, period. And their retreat from that kind of Grand Guignol epicness since and into pure camp has been greatly disappointing to me.

Real mature view on folks with unorthodox body features there, sunny d.

Too soon, man, too soon. When Smarf bled out on that kitchen floor, AMERICA bled out, too. We all died a little that day.

Nicely done.

Oh this fucking sucks. Can we call a moratorium on the cloyingly voiced indie girl with the ukelele already? Jesus.

What a twist!