Lieutenant Tanktop

Farewell. I'm exiting this thread before I lose my damn mind. Enjoy the casual assumptions of racism for simply not liking a film, because that's truly a mature and measured response to any difference of opinion. Continue assuming horrific things about total strangers with no basis whatsoever, and drawing inferences

You're as good at dodging responses at Sensei! You guys should form a dodgeball team.

Funny how you got that out of this post because nothing I said in there had anything remotely to do with whether the film appealed to my 'sensibilities' or not.

Nope…try again…I just DIDN'T like the film! Insane, I know, since if a POC makes a film it's automatically a masterpiece, and if you believe otherwise you're a Klansman.

Actually read all my comments, please. Then you might have some credibility.

It was a typo. Are you arguing that black people ARE infallible Gods? And to say they aren't is racism? Should everyone get a participation ribbon due to their minority status? In that case, I'm a minority in a number of ways. Latino, overweight, Southern, Quaker, shall I go on?

Do you know what projection is? Because that's what you're doing. When you do something and then say others are doing it, that's projection. Kind of like you and 'personal attacks'.

No…see…I just didn't like the film. Sorry, just didn't like it. Shall I say it again? Didn't like it. Not for any reason than that I didn't like it.

Kind of like I never said 'white people make better movies'?

it's always interesting to see assholes assume ridiculous things about strangers.

Watch out. You're about to be dragged through the ringer. :(

"You're clearly one of those, 'White people are naturally better at everything so OF COURSE they deserve all the accolades!' trolls."

What was I dodging? I posted the comment initially. You're the one responding. You're sounding desperate.

Likewise! They oughta give you a TV show, Would probably be more entertaining than 'Selma'.

Nope, I think the analogy here is a fair one. But good dodge.

Hey no worries. :) You're clearly an adult, unlike Baby Sensei here.

He doesn't see that we essentially agree. He just doesn't like that I didn't love 'Selma'…that makes me a racist troll to him.

"so you agree with me?" are you fucking kidding me? after you called me a racist troll for saying the EXACT SAME THING?

to Sensei, you're a racist white supremacist troll for saying that.

Memory is such a fallible thing. Remember that time like 20 minutes ago when you assumed I was a racist white supremacist troll because I said art should be judged as art alone?