Lieutenant Tanktop

vast yawning gulf of difference between push button shitwater and actual hand-ground hand-tamped espresso.

yeah, i feel like those of us who arent just singing it all day but dancing too are a special breed of insane.

aside from how incredible and groundbreaking the short is on its own, the song is super catchy and fun.

Say fare-thee-well to having any other song in your head, ever.

here to serve, LNB, here to serve.

feel good about chiming in there? i was just saying to myself 'my whole opinion on this thing hinges on what lisa needs braces thinks!'

Fucking GAG ME.

Time is a piece of wax, falling on a termite who's choking on the splinters.

You sound like an asshole. You might want to get that checked out.

Music might be trivial to you, but to some of us, music is everything.

Well she sure sounds like a blast to hang around with. :( Jesus, judgey much?

Forgot the little girl who's going to become Poison Ivy. And I don't recall seeing Mr. Freeze show up (yet?)…nor The Joker, unless the shitty standup guy from the pilot becomes The Joker.

two cast members, it should be noted.

Once again people seem nice but aren't. Once again Carol's gonna save the day. And they'll never mention it again.

The 'bottle' in a bottle episode isn't necessarily the main setting. And though this doesn't apply because the episode took place pretty much entirely at the hospital, bottle episodes aren't by definition always restricted to one setting, either.

I despise bottle episodes (yes, including 'The Fly'). Yawn.

So…no other band should've ever used a cello in a song because they didn't make 'Eleanor Rigby"? And "A Hard Day's Night" and "Eight Days A Week" as contenders for best Beatles songs?

Twisty's background story was genuinely moving, no matter how you feel about the rest of the show. I hope JCL gets the guest star emmy nod he deserves next year.

Theres more examples to be found in Wild At Heart, more of them in Peaks…the smile is a constant

Aaaaaaaaaand I'm done with this show.