
To be fair, the only thing she stole from the podiatrist’s website was footnotes.

And she’s never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

This may come as a surprise to you, but ALL magic tricks are fake.

I am always shocked how casually women will say they will not date men of their ethnicity. How would you feel if a white woman said, “Thanks for the tip, I will now completely freeze out all Hispanic men”?

The Mexican first lady is called Angelica Rivera.

I relate. I’m a half-American who no longer dates Americans. But I married a Mexican so I feel like there was a memo I didn’t get.

I think he’s kinda sexy too, and I say that a quarter-Mexican who doesn’t date Mexicans. Sorry, I just loved your post because it was hilarious and totally reminded me of my Mexican grandmother telling all her daughters and granddaughters to not date or marry Mexican men.

This sounds like a fellow intern in my office this summer: it was the Three Amigos Summit in Canada, and she was like “I know Enrique Pena Nieto has a terrible record on human rights, but he can get it—he looks like he belongs in a telenovela!” and I gotta say, girl ain’t lying.


My first CD was Wham. I’ve seen George live three times; twice in concert, and once in person. BFF and I had heard where he and his partner Kenny went to eat in TX and we decided to swing on in. “Wouldn’t it be cool if...?” Anyway, we went full cringe/facepalm crazy fan and had silkscreen shirts made with his

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

70 is pretty old, especially for a guy who at least dabbled in ALL the drugs.

Everyone with access to children needs to be monitored. I can’t count the number of “female teacher has sex with students” stories I’ve heard over the past few years.

“Right because America made Russia and Assad decimate his own people. We’re the worst right?”

This is a laughably ignorant statement.

The same. Because they are dumb.

It’s approximately 20 tanker trucks (9000 gallons) or 5.5 train tankers (31000 gallons) for comparison.

“The thinking is six years is plenty of time considering her actions.”

This is tragic on so many levels, but I know there are other warehouses in the bay that do take steps to keep tenants and artist studios as safe as possible. In my understanding, Derrick Almena was not that - ignored warning after warning.

it’s frowned upon