
I don’t think they are looking to blame, but perhaps a spouse less self-absorbed and who cared for their partner rather than solely for themselves might have identified the signs before everything became acute. She could not control his illness but could have intervened sooner had she been emotionally present

Imagine that. Facts and math on the internet. Careful they might send you to the grays

How exactly does one fuck gentrification? There is no gentrifier out there with his evil bag of tricks driving up prices. There is a fact of life called supply and demand. How exactly does one overcome a law of nature? Euthanize and steralize under a one child policy like China? I mean we started the

I hope this guy rots in jail for many, many decades. There is a difference between non-traditional housing and event spaces in marginal buildings and what can only be described as a tinderbox. He took active steps to make the building less safe by loading it full of fuel when, if you read the reports, overloading

Wow. #notallmen. Get a fuck if life and get out of here with that prejudiced bullshit

You must be a fan of Zero Fucks Given memes.

Why is this a white people thing? Black people have done blaclface too

Except no one believes that. Or accepts that

How is this a negative mark on your friends or on cops? Self defense is allowed on any spectrum of police force. A woman wielding a bat in a tiny project apartment is hardly an innocent victim.

You can’t work with retards and bitch they have retard strength. That’s like working in a pizza place and complaining about your gluten allergy.

Also guessing they didn’t leave baseball bats laying around, so restraint was easy enough.

The fucking jackass doesn’t know that stuff happens when the tv screen goes black? He knows what happens when a leader arrives in a country, when they get first to the meeting, and when they leave the country. All the rest of the shit they do off camera??? Dealmaking! And I hate condi but fuck this nonorganic compost

Then move to a liberal bastion. I live in the People’s Republic of Portland and went to school in Eugene. There was lip service towards equality as you would expect in a liberal town, but it was easy to do so when almost all African Americans on campus were student-athletes or non-faculty staff. If you want to see

I think you are supposed to mark the posts “Paid Endorsement” under FTC rules when you are a corporate shill

That’s actually how the law works.

Not a dad, just a guy rocketing towards middle age. That is my #1 fear getting old. Im cool with all the other aging things but I will never tolerate pushbrooms on my forehead in the mirror

Looks like she is a seasoned professional. Has either done or seen that duck and cover done man times before.

Aveeage time from separation to divorce is 22 months when you are not a celebrity couple with millions to sort out and kids to boot. Why would you think a year is an unusual delay

Wait women know we think this way? Who forgot to check the bro secret handshake before spilling the fucking beans? Now THAT is gross! #traitors

That’s actually the reason for all the constitutional protections. The majority’s point of view doesn’t need speech rights or equal protection. It is precisely for the protection of the individual agains the will of the people that is enshrined in those rights.