You must not follow politics with Lil Rocketman
You must not follow politics with Lil Rocketman
Both words are words. As with many compound words, when adding to the old English word “lode” meaning “course or direction” you can have a lodestone (magnetic stone) that shows you the course, or you can follow a lodestar (usually Polaris) to guide your course. When using a sextant in navigating the seas, the sun is…
Baba Blowout
It is common knowledge that Jesus Christ can’t hit a curveball. Is she a nun in the services of Jobu?
That last dog is such a sweetie, but clearly feeling the shame we should all feel knowing we live in a world where chicken diapers are a thing.
Um, she is old. She has that pained look on her face that shows that all the plastic surgery in the world will not prevent the impending train wreck of her looks
Wow you are fucking stupid. The point was that DUI is not a minor crime. If you don’t like our countries laws don’t break them. DUI is a bar to a visa to visit many countries. Why should it be a welcome mat to ours?
And you’re a racist piece of shit. You think thug is an acceptable term? You’re worse than Trump.
Of course. She just wanted an autograph. Why do you think she was in the video to begin with?
You fucking racist.
Except for the fact that she owns it. She owns her company that purchases products and sells them at a markup. That’s called business not a marketing agreement. She’s an airhead but she owns rather than licenses this shit
Are you serious? You don’t think a person would order 4 rolls as a dinner? The $80 was the least shocking part of this story. I’m overpriced DC there is zero shock that that’s what a dinner order would run
Fuck you. You ignored the world around you intentionally while he tried to help, offered vital resources and expertise, and tried to think of out of the box solutions when there was no viable option. And you...binged news stories after ignoring the plight of your fellow humans for a week? Fuck you
Who doesn’t enjoy foreclosing on people. But eating them after they are evicted is just sick. Eric, you disgusting son of a traitor.
I often argue that Jezebel is not a women’s only site. Thanks for proving me wrong. Like a marching pride parade here...might never be able to face a snappin gyro again and will have to go full sausage
You’re kidding right? Family restrooms were totally invented for boning and/or doing powder drugs. Take your shitty ass baby to the water fountain and wash him off like a normal person. Smdh
He’s not “from the Howard Stern Show” or “one of Stern’s People”. He left the show for Jay Leno almost 2 decades ago! He’s a hack podcaster. Don’t insult Sternation with this garbage.
Are you out of your mind? So three men are dead and you applaud that because only women’s lives matter? You sick fuck
John’s Boner is arguing with Uncle Milty’s Cock. What a time to be alive
He’s right. And in this context there was nothing wrong with what was said