
the disgrace was the families suing in the first place. Just because a few people on comment boards and social media feel bad doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want legally. They hired ambulance chasing lawyers, turned down a hefty generous settlement offer, and then lost on it. PR? Fuck that. Don’t file

Won’t bother me or (I’m guessing) the majority of cinema-goers.

I had to look it up. I was 99% sure that “desk-pop” had to do with firing a gun, considering the subject matter, but I was clinging to that 1%, hoping in vain that it meant you liked my joke so much that it gave you an erection while sitting at your desk:(

I caused a similar ruckus at JFK during the Winter Olympics when I turned the volume up during the biathlon. And then fired my gun in the air.

You and your friends should start a detective agency, like Scooby-Doo.

It’s completely splitting hairs, rape is rape, but he only digitally penetrated her (as far as anyone knows)

Does she think rapists spend all their non-rape time kicking puppies and twirling their mustaches while cackling?! I suppose it’s more comforting to believe that evil is always legible.

[Redacted. Too bitter]

“I never claimed to be ‘John Baron.’”

In most states, marital privilege covers communications but not witness to actions. So for example if she saw him obtain drugs, she has to admit that. That’s not privileged.

No wonder Harding missed her cue. She’s herself of hearing.

Lord knows I loved making people uncomfortable in depositions, when appropriate, but this is kind of over the top. Whether or not she thinks her husband “acted with a lack of integrity” during their marriage isn’t relevant or likely to lead to any admissible evidence. If you’re gonna harass a witness, at least have

In that neck of the woods, he could be all three.

Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.

I thought impaling it on a spear was the proper way to carry one

The answer to your questions are:

“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.” - Margaret Atwood.

Her secret is sodium lauryl sulfates, rubbed directly into the skin.

Or you could scrape a knife against the cheese. Or use a vegetable peeler. Nothing says grated cheese like aluminum products and millennial stupidity on your spaghetti.