
What about a Jean Simmons sex tape?

Oh hell no. The Gene Simmons sex tape put me off sex tapes for life.

Give me suicide and the over please

Use the money to buy the needed medicines from the other manufacturer and distribute for free through charitable organizations.

Taking bets on Shkreli dead pool. Suicide or homicide within two years.

Heyyyyy we got a real MacGyver here. I like your moxie. We should get coffee and eliminate toxins together sometime maybe.

Vernors fucking sucks

The first thing I noticed is that I could get that rad shirt TWO WHOLE SIZES BIGGER THAN MY 3X SELF NEEDS IF I WANT TO!

Wait, so Otherwildwhatever recreated it from an original. Didn’t they basically do the same damn thing Levigne did, just with a 30+-year gap? So really, whoever designed it originally for Labyris Books is the one who’d have rights. Right?

To be fair, lots of companies are requiring slogans on T’s during the holidays. Like at Bloomingdale’s all the staff has to wear a shirt that says “Roofie my drink when I’m not looking”. It’s tongue in cheek.

I don’t. It’s an exorbitant amount. He should get something a bit more proportionate to the suffering he has experienced.

The only problem is they will shut down every academic program (except for the football team and cheerleading squad) to pay for this, and then blame that uppity terrorist Jesus-hating kid from Obamastan.

I have seen both and been a receptionist. I did turn gay, though.

Retired boxer went to jail for rape and was a leading cast member in top rated sitcom Friends.