
It’s a colloquialism, you know what she meant.

Her daily diet sounds...lacking. There may be some virtue in the idea of eating the same lunch everyday but I’d hardly call yogurt and an apple lunch.

I kept scrolling until I saw the price tag. Then dried my tears with my long brown hair.

I just keep reading the words of poets. Like Andrea Gibson.

I think the overarching narrative regarding people with disabilities that affect their capacity for self care is one of pity. When I tell people what I do for a living (run a camp for adults with disabilities) the response is more often than not a comment on how i must be such a good, patient person; the implication

I don’t see how a boy can look at a young girl, new in school, and assume she is down for a gang bang. I work with teens in the area and when we talked about this case they were all confused as to why anyone would engage in this willingly.

I think the charges he’s facing are fair. The quotes you put around the word consensual are fitting - how much could she really give informed consent to sex and filming with multiple boys? She is clearly a girl who has been through an extreme trauma - regardless of her age, her ability to consent is impaired. Add that

I live in this town and have been following this story on social media since it broke. The slut-shaming in local comment sections has been intense. Folks are bending over backwards to bland this girl and exonerate the boys. It’s revolting. There is such stigma and ignorance about sex trafficking and Florida is third

There’s always someone on posts like this talking about thrifty (i.e. superior) they were at their wedding but I’ve got you all beat: not getting married saves SO much money!

So say we all.

Who talks like this? What does this sentence even mean? Even if there was no “Becky with the good hair” context to put it in...what kind of communication is she attempting here? A light-hearted joke...about what?

It sounds cheesy but she obviously loves him enough to forgive him. I personally don’t see cheating as an automatic relationship ender. I see it as a symptom of a problem that may or may not be fixable. But I’ve never been cheated on, so I might react differently if it were to actually happen. Regardless, cheating is

I didn’t say it was unjustified, but lots of adults choose to forgive infidelity because love is stronger than the hurt and jealousy caused by cheating or whatever.

There’s a whole part of Lemonade where you see footage of Beyonce’s grandmother speaking at birthday party about how she took the lemons life gave her and made lemonade. So it’s an homage to grandmotherly advice. The rest of the album is about getting a raw deal relationship-wise and choosing to let love prevail over

That’s not always the case. Every photographer starts somewhere. The smart thing to do is run the aspiring photographer’s portfolio by a professional photographer and ask them for their opinion. I’m now a professional photographer with expensive equipment and a typical pro price list but I was once just starting out

Most people who aren’t photographers can’t tell the difference between a good photo and a bad photo. That’s why people like her still get work. I think that her photos are horrendous but the average Joe will see a photo that just features something they like or someone they recognize and will say “What a great photo!”

The important thing is that in this story about a monstrous man you were still able to find a way to demonize the women he associated with who didn’t imprison or rape anyone.

The fact that at least one of the women he’d imprisoned had a social security check leads me to believe this animal might prey on women with developmental disabilities.

When my BF and I were in an open relationship, he had no luck on Tinder because every girl assumed he was lying and just looking to cheat. Dang cheaters, ruining everything for everyone.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying jezebel hasn’t been silent