Dick punch!
Dick punch!
Right: "you win or you die" only applies if you choose to play the game in the first place.
Yeah, the "aw shucks I'm king" routine is fucking grating. Grab your nuts and sound off, Tommen!
I think I speak for everyone when I say I was hoping that we would get some Dorne in this episode
a story of survival filled with pain, crack, journalistic righteousness, abandoned cars, crooks, lies, and then there’s the two little girls who saved his life
My wife yelled, "That was a terrible assassination attempt!" I was about to say something back, but you know, she ain't wrong.
And Sansa forgot her work-appropriate lip gloss at Winterfell.
Sure, we've subjugated the entire realm and we can set up our ice kingdom wherever we want, but check out these distressed assets. We gotta do our due diligence or the shareholders are going to be pissed.
I'm always skeptical when I don't see a character die on-screen in this show. That's why I'm sure Stannis is going to show up again, probably baking the kingdom's best bread as therapy in the bakery he started with Hot Pie.
Yeah, or she'll find some way to undermine him with his own disciples.
My 62 dudes are going to fuck some shit up! Now where's my beer?
You're a dull boy, Tommen!
Sansa definitely needed a better power lip gloss for those networking meetings.
Why does Chris Hardwick have a thigh gap?
"Well, at least we can go to the brothel."
"Okay, what if the target works on a dock?"
It's like those parents who name their kid Michael Michaelson or somesuch shit.