Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I thought the same thing! Maybe she'll get the blessing of the Faceless to do some social justice assassination across the kingdoms now.

Yeah, I think he'll probably need a cipher to interpret some of what he's seen.

I felt like it flew by, too, and I was sad when it ended. I noticed the scoring was a little strange in the scene with Benjen wielding his +2 flaming morning star—and I think a lot of people recognized him, since there had been so much speculation that he'd be the one to rescue them.

I loved Jaime's expression while he was giving his psych up speech. I'm surprised he didn't check his watch.

"But aren't you curious about our Sand Sn—"

And didn't Sam read that it was one of the only ways to kill them? I think he'd likely want to get it to someone who will be able to wield it skillfully in the wars to come. Tormund, maybe? Oooohhhh, Briemund slaying white walkers side by side with their Valyrian steel swords.

And young Kingslayer about to do the deed!

Yeah, I'm expecting more with the faceless going forward, even if she cuts ties. And it seems like Jaqen saw this coming—I hope that there's a satisfying twist with Arya's divestment from the order. Maybe she kills the waif, and the faceless give her their blessing to go be a social justice assassin across the

We try not to sexualize him.

Oh, and you get a +3 vorpal sword. But I wouldn't use it if I were you. You have a 7 dexterity.

Speaking of ew, during the Jaime-Cersei makeout sesh, for an instant I forgot about the blood relation and had an aww…ewwww moment as I transitioned nearly immediately from "oh they really love each other" to "NO INCEST!!". Curse the writers for making those two sympathetic!



I still quote that movie frequently, especially:

And completely fucking over Cameron in the process. That even angered me as a kid.

You've gone too far

There's a small video chain in Seattle that I still see around, and I've always wondered how they haven't tanked.

Now I get why Jenna Maroney hates the troupes.

Hold the motherfucking door.

It would've been way funnier if Euron just died on the beach.