Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Today a coworker thanked me for taking care of something and I said, "My happy!" Then I pretended like that's something that people say. This seemed like an appropriate place to be ashamed about that.

Today a coworker thanked me for taking care of something and I said, "My happy!" Then I pretended like that's something that people say. This seemed like an appropriate place to be ashamed about that.

Today a coworker thanked me for taking care of something and I said, "My happy!" Then I pretended like that's something that people say. This seemed like an appropriate place to be ashamed about that.

Geez, this is nine months old? Well, the AV Club just reposted this on FB, so here I am.

I'm just so tired of these Star Wars

He would ask super earnestly, more as a filter to see if the girl actually got his sense of humor. It screened out the people who thought he was being serious.

I have fond memories of the re-releases. I was having a rough week when one of them came out and my mom let me ditch school and took me to see one. My mom is a studious, stoic registered nurse who was the valedictorian of her small high school, so this was a pretty monumental thing for her to do.

Something something 15 minutes of fame

It played every hour on the radio in the camp kitchen I worked at, otherwise I probably wouldn't have ended up hating it. I agree, though, it sort of works for what it is - I just got veeerrry burnt out on it by the end of the summer.

One good thing that came out of this era: my best friend in college's most successful pick-up line at the bars was "do you like rap metal?" Surprisingly effective.

I actually really love RZA's verse in this, though he's probably lower on my list of Wu members. This song is still on my running playlist and I always seem to get a burst of adrenaline when his verse comes on.

Alex Jones is to the Lizard People

And people with means will undoubtedly get a jury consultant and do social media research to try to root out stuff like that. It was almost a perfect plan, too.

Shit, Chase Lounge already went under? I saw it there a few months and pointed it out to my wife (on account of the curse you mentioned).

There was a place called Eet Bar by our condo in Seattle a few years ago. Food and cocktails were fine. But it didn't last long.

We used to get delivery from Thai tanic! I miss living in a city with good delivery options. 😔

The Recumbent Dead

My college roommate died of brain cancer last year. Father of three and really great police officer, the kind where even if you hate cops you can't help but kind of like the guy. He used to do triathlons and marathons and was a feeble ghost of himself by the end.

"Who knows which explanation is correct? Perhaps someday the truth will be discovered."