Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Those were great when I was super poor. Except when I spilled that fucking enormous feed-bag everywhere.

Is that the one with Evangeline Lilly from her pre-Lost days? She must be raking in residual bucks for that.

Hogwash. They're rolling in that sweet, sweet, undischargeable student loan money!

I can see your point for a bubblegum sitcom like Friends, but I remember at least two dramas that dealt with it tastefully without making it a gross spectacle. And SNL and South Park (and I'm sure others) had episodes that referenced it and joked about it without going too far.

Man, I watched Kingsman on a flight in June and both the profanity AND the extreme gore had been edited out. Pretty annoying.

I watched World War Z on a plane, and a plane crash scene was edited out of that, too.

I was a senior in college. I remember finding it weird then (and again this last spring, when my wife and I binged the series on Netflix while she was on maternity leave) that they didn't mention 9/11 at all, but it's not weird in the slightest that they didn't joke about it. I lived on the west coast and even we were

Hey, no super racist or misogynistic YouTube comments! Great Job, Internet!

Reminds me of an argument I got into with some friends back in 2003 about Fox News. I tried to explain how some social scientists had quantified their conservative bias. My (conservative) friends replied, "But they're fair and balanced!" Clearly accurate, it's right there in the tagline.


That's what I was thinking. They probably don't make as much money off them anymore. Seems like a good economic decision.

That does kind of sound like something that would be featured on "Great Job, Internet!".

When I was in the Army and in training (post-Basic) at Fort Benning, GA, I'd get a hotel room nearly every weekend. This was before the time of ubiquitous Wi-Fi and smartphones (2004). So of course I'd order like five pay-per-view pornos over the course of a weekend. And you know what?

It is definitely NOT the most tasteless comment I've ever seen here. And, you know, grossly enough, you ain't wrong (at least re: Josh Duggar, walking piece of human garbage)


Maybe it was one of those mail-in rebates. I never remember to send those things in.

Weirdest boner etc., etc.

I know, I know, zombie fatigue, etc. But I'm a fan of the original show and the Comic-Con trailer looked solid, so I'm in, apocalyptic melodrama and all.

Yes, yes, it's all in the pamphlet we sent you.

Just so you're prepared, the one who drives a Lexus is going to treat you wrong, but the one who goes to church and is a gardener or something is going to treat you right.