Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Eh, I've liked plenty of serialized dramas with large ensemble casts. And there are at least a couple I can think of that adequately introduced characters in the pilot (Lost comes to mind, though that was one of the most spectacular TV pilots in history and I know it's unfair to ask other dramas with smaller budgets

Oh, and not to mention the, uh, hardcore lesbian sex scene that might have been okay had I not been babysitting my daughter who, as I mentioned, is now noticing the TV…

My mother-in-law babysat for us and my wife and I finally got to see Fury Road. Anything I write here will just be duplicative of all the praise that people have rightfully heaped on that thing, so I'll keep it short. Practical effects, well-built suspense based on 3-dimensional characters who are in real danger, taut

This guy gets it!

I think "large women" has a different meaning in this context.

Do you like gladiator movies, Timmy?

I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder!

I still don't know how the shells work.

Aww, don't do tha—-

When I was suffering from severe depression, my wife often accused me of "wallowing." I tried, time and again, to explain to her that I had little control over what was happening in my brain. She was unsympathetic.

As a person who suffered from severe depression and had a mostly unsympathetic wife, I can tell it's fucking terrible and makes you feel five times worse. I was no picnic, of course, but I always figured that when you sign that dotted line you are in it even when things get shitty.

*dry heaves*

The people who wander in through the Disqus-shaped hole in our wall.

My wife has an anthropology degree. Naturally, she is civil litigator defending insurance companies. You know, evil.

Team Rubicon is the shit! I went on a couple local callouts with them in the DC area.

American Corporate Partners is a great program. I've been paired with an excellent mentor for the last year, and even though I've been striking out on jobs in the legal field, he's been an invaluable resource. But I do have a buddy from my old platoon who got on with a prestigious firm through his ACP connections.

Or a loop set to dubstep.

Yours and @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus's rational responses to my facebook rage are unwelcome

I mean, it gets everywhere, amirite folks? Anyways, what else is going on?

Agreed. TPM is the only prequel I find basically unwatchable.