Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

No shit, there I was. The other day, I saw a FB thread for a picture of the undersea cavern monster from TPM on the the Star Wars page and there were a TON of sheepish prequel apologists. I didn't dare engage any of them because I'm sure I could've only mustered the ability to type, "WHERE DO YOU PEOPLE COME

Ah yes, the desert pheasant, which inhabits the rare moisture springs of Tatooine, originally brought there as an invasive species by a Sullustan trader hiding out from a bounty hunter who was searching for him because he stole Jabba's great-grandfather's Alf pogs*.

I hate it when she does that…


Heh, I failed to mention that I got a happy birthday BJ from the wife last month. I was talking about good ol' p-in-v.

Doc already has her on birth control! *Top Gun fist pump*

Well, I was also friends with the guy, and he happened to be a pretty big dude. I sort of pined over his girlfriend for awhile until he eventually physically threatened me. Good times.

Thanks for the link!

We actually sort of tried a couple weeks ago and that is exactly what happened. Womp womp.

Yeah, I guess part of the problem was I was 14 and a friend's girlfriend seduced me. I was super fucking impressionable and it had a mostly negative impact on my views towards sex until I was in my early twenties. But, in the long view back as a 36 year old, I can see how that informed my feelings about relationship

My wife is an ENTJ and I'm an ENFP. Also, we were reading Silver Chair while my wife was in labor in March, so, I guess what I'm saying is I think you're either secretly Liz Cheney or my daughter who time traveled here from the future. I assume to give me an important message, like, AA Dowd gave The Force Awakens a B+

That's actually a really great lesson you learned there. I was not ready the first time I got laid. I really wish I'd waited, though I'm not sure it could've shaken out different than it did.

I went through a similar self-esteem building period the first couple years of college, then started banging like gangbusters. You seem way more self-aware than I was at the time, though. Good on ya for waiting for someone who's worth it. Some of the best sex I've ever had was when I was crushing the ass of a girl I

Upvoted to counterbalance inevitable downvote

You know, I lost my virginity when the girlfriend of an older friend of my brother's seduced me. I wish i could get a do over on that one, even if I got to say I was no longer a virgin. But hiring a pro might've been worse.

Waffle, so sorry to hear this. None of my close friends live any nearer than an hour drive. My two best friends live in California and Tennessee, and I'm in Seattle. That, added to a job you hate, must be dreadful. Do you have any idea where you'd want to be instead?

Haven't been around the AVC or TI much lately as I've been having a really great time raising La Femme Mackita and staying at home with Ms. Colonel Balls while she's on maternity leave. Being a dad has made me the most purposeful I've felt in, well, like two years. Baby is cooing, smiling, grabbing at toys, and has

Like everyone else, I'm mostly anxious to find out why Bradley Cooper isn't wearing a brown undershirt with those woodland BDUs. I'm sure we all got a good chuckle out of that blunder!

Aww, I'm sad I missed this discussion. I often refer to my 11-week old daughter as "the future warrior-queen of the outlands," usually after saying such and such discomfort will make her tough, all set to my wife's nearly-audible eye-rolls.

For Now, Internet.