Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Relax, grammar nerds

Heh. Fear not, I am a soccer-avoiding heathen.

Nah, Seattle.

I only ever went to one rave in the Portland, OR, area about 15 years ago. There was a very hot girl in a miniskirt and just pasties on top, which would've been cool but her eyes were the size of saucers and she kept glancing jerkily around the room like a hypercaffeinated squirrel. I was like, I sort of get why this


Nah, I did lots of stupid illegal shit in my teens. I would just have a really weird anxiety reaction to weed probably 80% of the time. And the 20% where it was okay I would just feel molecularly bonded to the chair I was sitting in and not want to do anything but watch Seinfeld reruns and stare at the woodgrain of

*grabs @avclub-fa7fdeb5c05b708e5614c7e8cdb1c34d:disqus by the shoulders*

I haven't smoked since 1999 mainly because I would get legit panic attack/waking day terrors when I did.

Man, I'm always so late to these. Here goes my pop culture weekend — well, more like week, since we saw some good stuff.

Jar-Jar? Is that you?

Heh, I was actually talking with my wife about the EU/Canon debate earlier and Jacen & Jaina Solo. Still, it stands to reason that Han & Leia married/coupled after RotJ and probably had a kid, even with the EU jettisoned.

Yeah, it was just me and my mom, too. I'd seen the movie on video but it was my first time seeing it in the theater — I remember we were running late and we came in about halfway through the battle of Hoth. Still a great memory.

Sorry about your friend, man. I've lost a couple buddies to suicide. It's easy to let your thoughts spin out thinking about what they were going through, what more you could've done, etc. Condolences.

I would think it's more likely that she is Han & Leia's daughter, right?

*crashes into space-golf course*

My earliest memory is seeing Empire with my mom when it was re-released in 1982. That says a lot about the impact it had on me, considering I was three years old at the time.

Me too! My daughter just turned one month old, and I am having feels over the thought of her growing up with what looks like will be a female Jedi protagonist. I am, of course, theorizing that Daisy Ridley's character is somehow in the Skywalker bloodline and on the path to Jedihood. Seriously, though, I'm stoked

The only question that remains is whether you root for underdogs or are history's greatest monster.

As for #1: I think another commenter's theory that it is an irradiated Endor is pretty sound (which also sort of answers #2, maybe). If they wanted to do something interesting with galactic history, they might even have information that Tatooine is the way it is because of a similar incident millennia before.

I'm legitimately excited for this. I feel like I must clutch my pearls as I'm afraid I have a case of the vapors. Also, instead of an adult male from Seattle, apparently I am now a female Civil War-era southern aristocrat. Thanks, ObAbrams!