Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Also, I'm becoming more convinced of my theory from the first trailer that the Falcon is helping out with pilot training. The TIEs are shooting green lasers, they seem to have been co-opted into the New Republic along with the stormtroopers, and a third thing I can't think of to round out the rule of threes.

I nominate Taking a Nap After Masturbating

Oh yeah, I remember someone saying that. Haven't read or seen it.

Absolutely. I can't think of another movie that more accurately captured that. I can't even think of another modernish war movie that showed grunts having to burn shit barrels — that took up a fair amount of my free time when deployed. Also, that movie, more than any other, really grasped that it was the NCOs who

Yeah, but only with specific locations, not the food in general. The Taco Bell on Fort Bragg, NC gave me diarrhea on multiple occasions and was partially responsible for giving me heatstroke.

No joke, Taco Bell-induced diarrhea was partially responsible for me spending three days in the hospital about ten years ago.

In slurry form, of course.

I'm not generally one of those nostalgia-obsessed people, but man, I wish I could participate in a gritty reboot of this.

Are you sure it isn't Jackie Jormp-Jomp?

"Tracy does Conan" is an all-time great episode. I think that's about halfway through season 1, though I agree with @Scrawler2:disqus that I really started getting into around "Jack-Tor."

Nice! Thanks for the suggestions.

That would be better than "Rowsdower!", at least.

Babby Mackita is 8 days old now. Ms. Col. Balls is on maternity leave, so I've been familiarizing both of my ladies with my favorite MST3K episodes. So far, we've watched Mitchell, The Final Sacrifice, and Space Mutiny.

My wife and I saw that at the Seattle symphony last year. It was beautiful, but that thing is long. It also made me want to have a German opera singer following me around and singing "und sprach!" whenever I was about to say something.

A babby is formed!

I'd lock down plans with him.

Broken clock twice a day, etc.

Hey, that's a fake president's badge!

As a Constitutional Law TA in undergrad, I showed my students this clip in their final discussion group. I prefaced it by saying it was a video on argumentation techniques.

I wanted to start a family jam band called A Business of Ferrets, which is the actual name for a group of ferrets. Website says maybe not taken, but google says there's a band of teenagers in England who call themselves that. Bad Job, Internet. Now I'm going to be in a feud with some British teenagers. Although I