Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Oof, the episode of Law & Order when Claire Kincaid dies. I had a huge crush on her and I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I was devastated by that.

Yeah, I wept like a baby at Marshall's reaction. My dad's getting pretty old and that episode made me think about my relationship with him a lot.

I'm currently available for birthdays, bar mitzvahs, and zombie pinata quinceaneras.

Right? Terrible.

Anyone who proudly tells you that they were almost a lieutenant deserves to get punched in the face.

Well, I have always wanted British people to salute me. I don't know what that has to do with your comment but it seemed like the right time to say it.

That actually kind of sounds like the Methodist church…

I blame the Lie-beral media. When will they Learn that the only Way to articulate a thought or have an intelligent Exchange is to randomly capitalize words and put things in "QUOTATION MARKS?"

Many Yoshis died to bring us this tool-assisted speedrun.

Or rural Washington State! Before meth was cool!

Fuck yeah, Olympic Peninsula! How are you so fucking cool, Bill.

Yeah, I don't watch that, and the first I'd heard of the Glenn stuff was someone making a similar joke last week. I didn't read the comics and I don't really follow other media about the show. But I like coming here to discuss it, just not to learn possible spoilers. Just be courteous, please!


Dude, watch it with the spoilers. Please.

I found it a little corny, but the speech overall I thought was fine. Not great, but far from the worst the show has churned out. People are really hating on that speech.

Or shoe leather! The heel-toe express! Keep your bikes in communist China, along with your dog-eating!oh wait.

My wife (who doesn't watch regularly) said pretty much the same thing. She said, matter-of-factly, "Wait, why is the plan shit now?"

Joke's on them! I'm 35!

It's not your fault!

*eye twitches*