Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Reminded me more of the Goth kids from South Park.

They'll spend a lot of time in Rock Creek Park.

Reminded me of living in central North Carolina. In other words, fucking miserable.

For another "slog" episode, I liked this one. I found it well done and I felt the characters' mid-Atlantic misery (so glad I don't live there anymore). These on-the-road eps can be super boring and pointless, so kudos to the team for at least making this one interesting, even if it didn't do much to move the plot

You could also swap out "Tolkien" for "a lawyer" in your comment.

Hey, I remember you were getting out of the Army around now — how's the transition going? Just seeing nonsensical movies at festivals?

I've seen a few calls for "erotica prose contributions" on eLancing, a writing freelancing website. I bet it's lots of un- and under-employed people who figured, "eh, fuck it, need to pay rent."

Lookie heah, we gotta old timah!

My wife has requested that I read her the Narnia books during labor as a relaxation technique. I'll ask her if she recognizes your username.

If I had it to do over again and I had to pick one of my favorite Simpsons references, I'd probably pick "The Goggles."

Happy birthday!

This reminds me of one of my favorite one-liners when someone was taking too long in the shitter (think the plywood outhouses from Platoon with 40-gallon drums cut in half to collect refuse; example):

(First Ever?) Veteran Thread!

About ten years ago, when I was home on leave from the Army, I was video recorded drunkenly teaching some friends how to clear a room. I identified myself on-camera as my alter-ego, "Captain Mack Balls." I figured he would've gotten a promotion by the time I signed up.

About Glory: Seriously, even in the 30-45 minutes I watched, I got to see Denzel, Morgan, Andre Braugher, Matthew Broderick, and Cary Elwes all deliver outstanding performances. I wonder if it would have stuck together so well if they hadn't had such a talented cast.

You know how things work around here, man. One blonde girl dies, two black guys die. We have a system.

"Hope and joy are dead, children. Find someplace dark to hide die."

And God forbid you apply a field-expedient tourniquet BEFORE amputating the arm.

You can be a guy who saves babies in the zombie apocalypse if you FUCKING CLEAR THE HOUSE BEFORE YOU LOOK AT THE PRETTY PICTURES, ASSHOLE.

Like My Step-Son is My Cyber-Husband.