Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

"What if the cliff is a cop and a mom?"

Ever read a law school textbook? Some of those are terrible. Having seen some of your comments here and finding you to be a clear and cogent writer, I'm sure what you wrote was miles better than the worst of that tripe. Good on ya!

I used to work law enforcement in Seattle and would sometimes mistake those guys for King County bike cops.

I'm also trying to lose some depression weight I put on over the last six months. What kind of exercise are you doing? I've had the best luck mixing cardio with strength training/muscle building. Really boosts your metabolism a lot and makes you burn calories more efficiently. Worked better than when I just stuck to

Six weeks out from our little girl being born and I'm pretty sure the Lady Balls and I are going to split up. Things aren't going well. I've been depressed for a while about job/life stuff and it's put a lot of strain on her. I've been doing what I can, but it's not enough. Fuck this shit.

I grew up in the Seattle area and have been a fan since I could discern moving images on a TV screen, so I give zero fucks about the hatred. Having endured countless terrible seasons and seen other very good clubs rise and fall, I've seen the sudden contempt for clubs that have built strong teams. It's to be expected

I believe someone must have been fired for that blunder.

Vaguely depressed but turning a corner on a deeper depression that's been in charge for about a year. Had a consult with a therapist on account of my crumbling marriage/depression. Really liked the therapist, and I think I'll end up going with her, but I have one more consult before I make a decision. Finally worked

Yeah, having that conversation over and over again is exhausting. I was in the infantry — I know a couple dudes who had trouble adjusting after they got out, but most of us are doing pretty well. And there were a lot of really smart guys and guys from middle- to upper-middle class backgrounds who wanted to do the

Not sure where to fit this comment in, but here goes. I served in the Army infantry in Iraq. I vacillate on the issue, but I'm increasingly convinced that an all-volunteer force is bad for freedom. My colleagues were overwhelmingly conservative or libertarian, and the echo-chamber of the military naturally leads to

Oh, dammit. Misremembering a Simpsons quote? This is unpossible!

Hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a package for me.

Did he really say that he expected her to have her own career by the time she's five?

Go 'head on. It's your move.

My old football coach used to say, "If you're going to screw up, do it at full speed!"

This reminds me of a law enforcement saying: "We don't catch the smart ones."

Hey, we all did things we're not proud of. I used to play with Rainbow Brites in just my underwear and throw Nerd candies at people like it was her rainbow attack. But that was like six months ago, so I've put it behind me.

I'm pretty sure the first music I bought myself — and didn't borrowsteal from my older brother (which, at the time, would've been something like Metallica, Warrant, Def Leppard, etc.) — was Madonna's Like a Prayer on cassette in sixth grade. Yes, I was knee-deep in boob.

I know how it feels. I was rated R when I was 17 for uncomfortable staring, gratuitous desk-boners, and wearing a purple hoodie with JNCOs.