Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Erin Gray was one of my first memorable TV crushes.

I knew the basics of what the Red Wedding was, but didn't know the details. I had just found out that my wife was pregnant when I watched it and just sat stunned on the couch for several minutes before knocking out a power weep.

The Lady Balls and I got free HBO for three months because Comcast messed up our install twice, so I finally got to watch Game of Thrones. Many of the big plot points had already been spoiled (SPOILERS AHEAD) like Ned's execution, Daenerys' dragons, the Red Wedding, and the Mountain vs. the Viper. (I seriously spent

Take a break from cynicism this holiday season and enjoy it

Seriously, rereading this thread I'm convinced that this should be in the AV Club bible. The Book of @adelequested:disqus could be right after the Book of O'Neal, which is just a list of good public bathrooms to pass out in.

A wonderful comment, @adelequested:disqus. I might add that I have been working on many of the things you and others have mentioned in this thread for over ten years now; you aren't going to suddenly arrive at well-adjusted, or even ever arrive. I'm 35 and I definitely thought I'd have my shit more together than I do.

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

Bruce Campbell plays Santa tonight. Bruce Campbell!

I think that's where I got the recommendation, actually. I tried reading Sound and the Fury while deployed to Iraq and couldn't get past the first chapter. Someone said they found Dying more accessible.

My wife loves White Christmas. She and my sister-in-law watch it together every year.

Watching MST3K Santa Claus (Ep 521). And Santa is SO FUCKING CREEPY. I would not leave this Santa alone with young children.

Always Sunny is definitely one of my selects for you.

Had a chilly week with the Lady, I think mostly because she's been working crazy long hours to try to meet her billables for the year and get her bonus. I've been staying at her uncle's house with the dog so she can focus on work. Have had some good talks and I'm coming back home on Friday. Been having a great time

Not a peep.

They did this a year or two ago and I submitted this story about Seattle, which involves an ex-police chief getting in a fight with an entertainment mogul over some shit-talking and getting shot with his own revolver, and a rising star police lieutenant getting busted for running bootleg Canadian whiskey on the side

"useless trash with delusions of grandeur"
my last workplace

And what of my Game of Thrones/Cosby Show mashup?

Ahhh, okay.

Which one is the MomCop again?

Shit, even Slayer is shilling for the Kitten Industrial Complex now.