Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Frayed ends of ball of string!
Are distracting to this kitten.

No, that was Prometheus.

INCORRECT. The answer is: The Zune

Like, DD214-in-hand last day? Fuck yeah. Drive on, brother.

He's so earnest that I'm not even that offended.

Was one a Vietnamese blog? Not a 30 Rock reference.

After a long day of beheading journalists and aid workers in that hot desert heat, you just need a nice, cool, pick-me-up, you know?

Whoa, is that a PCU reference?

My wife and I liked theHIMYM finale, too. And I also loved Lost's finale. There are dozens of us. Dozens!

Used office supply store.

And they seriously played "Milkshake" during that sequence? Topical.

I had to google that, but YES, those were cool.

Hey, where did my sister's brain go??

America's Kids Got Singing is a decent tentpole to build off of, too.

Spinoff: PoliceCop, Bayou Heat

Exactly. I was watching the commercials and thinking, yeah, this is something I might dream while I was sweating through the flu. Of course I'll get drunk and watch this.

And now Legos but Wes Anderson style!

(at least)
Chris (Hardwick)

I actually agreed to watch that with the Lady Balls as long as I could MST3K it. And prep by getting unconscionably drunk.

"NBC's most critically acclaimed turd-in-punchbowl"