Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Hey, their website had over 100 hits today!

Are they seriously burning off episodes of their most critically acclaimed sitcom?

I have, and some of my friends like it quite a bit, but I wasn't a huge fan.

Professor Hickey's straight arm-bar takedown (or was it a figure-four) was pretty awesome, too.

So I was flipping back and forth between Talking Dead and the Comedy Central holiday special and Chris Hardwick was on both. What fresh hell is this?

That's a military/law enforcement axiom. Range safeties say it while you're on the firing range.

"Coda" is an appropriate name for this episode. I've been singing a lot of interminable Methodist hymns lately. You sing one verse with these words. Then you hit the coda and sing the next verse, same tune, different words. And on ad infinitum. Love the rest of the first half of this season, but this episode made the

I thought maybe some shit would go down in which Beth or Carol become the leader of the hospital crew. Probably not Carol, because she's become a fan favorite. At least Beth would have survived in the background and it would've ended the arc without a cheap character death.

I just joined TIF — I assume I have to upload a dick pic now?

I love Allie Brosh so hard. My wife finds it very hard to understand my bouts of depression, so Allie often serves as my translator.

My wife dragged me, hung-over, to work at our church's soup kitchen the day after I lost my job a few weeks ago. It helped a bit while I was doing it. Of course, the darkness crept back in after, but it's a way to keep busy and enjoy fellowship with people who can give you perspective on life.

What do we have internets for if we can't have a kitten star war?

I have fond memories of handles of Monarch vodka from my poorer days. Well, maybe not fond. More like barfy.

The Lady Balls and I binged it over the course of a month last summer. Season two is pretty fun.

"or they could be the good guys after the Rebellion took over and absorbed whatever Imperial equipment and infrastructure was left after they booted out all the evil bastards"

Laserblast is one of my favorites, too. I involuntarily crack up every time the lady in the white pantsuit comes on and Mike and the robots all simultaneously yelp in alarm.

It's spelled KORL.

I'm so very sorry to hear that, HG.

Streamed the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon over the Chromecast at my wife's uncle's house. Got to explain the "plot" of Laserblast to the people at dinner. We ate, then watched the Seattle Seahawks vs. the San Francisco '49ers game. I was delighted to see Seattle's defense back to form and roundly humiliating KaeperPick,

I know Carrie Brownstein was in Sleater-Kinney, but I'm not sure about Yo La Tengo.