Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

First, a joke. A.A. Dowd's life: C-

I guess I can imagine if the user got into a blade lock with another lightsaber user, a quick twist of the saber could result in swift amputation of the opponent's hand. But what are the chances a force user is going to suffer an amputation? Seems like a stretch.

I was genuinely excited watching the trailer, though I thought the new lightsaber was a little gimmicky. It looks like a JJ joint, but I don't mind him nearly as much as a lot of other people here. Everything else, I thought, looked great, though it seemed hastily thrown together and it made it hard for me to get a

*watches trailer*

Sith Lords: the original emo kids.

Eh, I was never very good at Walking Dead black guy differential equations.

That's why I try to avoid sentient alcohols.

Bourbon Balls is my cousin!

*dies, immediately replaced by exactly one black character*

I'm taking a bottle of Bulleit Bourbon to Thanksgiving today. It's one of my favorites, as well. The small batch is even better, but pricier. Their rye is pretty great, too.

Hey, thanks, HP! Your username is pretty rad, too. I wish I knew the math reference it was making — my best friend from college is a math professor, so maybe I'll ask if he gets it.

A keg exploded and hit me right in the dick! It's like a chicken pot pie down there!

Hey, my wife is toiling thanklessly right now! It's exhausting watching her do all that work.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


Likewise. I actually have a box of old 2nd Ed. books that I grabbed from my parents' house several months ago, but I don't think any character sheets survived the years.

Legitimate military target under law-of-war analysis. I shed no tears for the Empire's military industrial complex. Turn Coruscant to glass, for all I care.

Zach Braff, but fatter and more insufferable. With martial arts skills.

Okay, all that preparation, the practicing. This is your moment, Mack.

Yeah, I saw further downthread that it was three parts but forgot to correct myself. I guess they're trying to Hobbitize the last part or something?