Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

*inserts CGI of Chicago’s Friends of the Parks shooting blaster over Rahm's shoulder*

"But how will I know when to settle and when to litigate?"

But what if Chicago wants to change the design later, you know, to more fully conform with its original vision?

Aw, I like the Hamlet episode.

Hear, hear. I often use this show as my mental hand sanitizer after a shitty day/week.

I generally prefer Mike, and liked early Mike in the theater, but in the later seasons he just seemed sort of mean-spirited.

Wait, the first couple times? Man in thong ran multiple times?

I consider it my solemn duty to share this fever-dream video wherever McConaughey and bongos are mentioned:

That is the obvious nadir of the McConnaissance, a one-man show stage adaptation of The Stand.

Almost like a wheel or something.

I just watched the miniseries again, and it's divided into four parts, which I think is based on the structure of the novel. But I don't totally remember.

Yeah, but I don't think we have a magic black lady, do we?



Yeah, I failed to mention the final space battle, which is really fucking awesome and holds up to this day (overly-convenient destruction of the Executor aside). And you're right, even though it's lazy storytelling, it feels way more compelling than the video-gamey battles from the prequels.

I don't even OWN a record player.

I used to go to the union square one with my ex-gf pretty frequently. Cost almost 50 bucks for both of us to see a movie. Do NYU kids really have that much money? Shit, don't answer that.

Well, fuck me sideways. Guess I'm going to the north Seattle Imax this weekend.

Hey, careful with the comic spoilers, please. I know sometimes they change the arcs a little, but I already had Eugene's storyline spoiled.

They did so well at pacing the Terminus stuff, but they're back to old form with the hospital shit. Some of it is compelling, but it mostly feels like more TWD hamster wheel bullshit.