Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

When you someone goog it

Extra large, actually.

Goddamnit, Sasha, never turn your back on a prisoner, even the nice, handcuffed ones! I was muttering that through that entire scene, and just when I thought I might be wrong — thump! Seriously, getting knocked out in The Walking Dead is getting to be like "spot the mole" from 24.

"Like, if the Force was a bunch of bugs in your blood, this kid would have, like, 10,000 bugs."

And even if similar percentages of people were dying of diseases like cancer, without some system of organized forensic autopsy, no one would know what you died of.

I really liked 2010 when I was growing up. The Jupiter and Europa visual effects have held up remarkably well.

I liked the Thrawn trilogy, but I think I'm in the small minority that don't think it would translate well to film.

I thought the triumvirate confrontation between Luke>Vader>The Emperor was the most well-executed part. Could've been better if they'd incorporated Leia into it more substantively. And ditched the second Death Star. A special ops mission to rescue Luke and Leia from Coruscant could've brought in a lot of those

Yeah, but what did they sleep like when they were little kids?

The A.V. Club
like with all articles about Star Wars rumors, we're going to leave this one knowing literally nothing more than we did at the beginning

You've got plenty of good answers already, but my theory was always that it was a clumsy plot device to show how crazy Anakin's innate force abilities were. In Phantom Menace, there's a discussion about how Anakin's counts are considerably higher than even Yoda's. There are much better ways to show that of course (a

"couldn't overshadow my overall impression of the movie, probably based on me being a sucker for space, time relativity and black holes (without much knowledge about that, though)."

Ah yes, the stomach bug with a side of FLAF (Felt Like A Fart).

There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man… We're all gonna die.

Oh, I'm unemployed and on my thousandth play-through of Origins! I'm normally a late-adopter of those marquee game releases (usually wait until it's $20 in the Xbox marketplace), but is it good enough to buy first-run, would you say?

That first paragraph is just the tiniest bit saddening. But good on you for volunteering.

Oh, this one goan be a doozy.

A website that sells used office supplies.

Okay, I have an idea. We keep NBC going as a magazine.

My rebuttal. Wordplay!