Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was referencing the universally reviled Westboro Baptist Church.

I know the movie was shitty, but it really cemented my '80s-era crush on Leah Thompson.

I do like Bulleit Rye and Woodinville Rye (small distillery here in the Seattle area). Don't have anything against it, just prefer bourbon.

I'm well, thanks. I didn't even have time to really start drinking!

Well done. I'm proud of you.

TARS, are you getting this? We're going further into the singularity… I'm losing control of the stick…

And they will say, yea, he was truly last.

I much prefer the Small Batch to the Single Barrel. The Yellow Label is pretty damn good for the price, too.

Is this like the Stanford prison experiment or something?

The A.V. Club

No shit. Bulleit is usually my go-to and Four Roses is my cheaper alternative. I will never trust again. Until drunk, at least.

Four Roses is pretty affordable and tastes pretty good, too.

Bulleit small batch is probably my favorite non-wallet buster right now.

Last, from a certain point of view

Disqus, stop screwing around and let the A.V. Club go, it's me that you want, I only have one arm, you can beat me!

Cats cohabitating with dogs, the end of times!

Hm, I started commenting after the Disqus switch-over last year, so I just made a Disqus account straightaway. I seem to remember other people having the same issue, though — I think they had to contact Disqus and/or the Onion IT Customer Service People. I'm so sorry.

First, just have to get this out of the way while we still have time:

Welp, this is what bourbon is for. To pass time between the moments of steadily encroaching darkness, amirite?