Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

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Ugh, agreed. A Reverend friend of mine and I were talking about the "just" thing a few years ago and now I can't unhear it when I hear people preach/etc.

Now, I've heard that speed has something to do with it.

Wait, when did Wet Hot American Summer come out?

I figured that Coop materialized some distance from the still-open wormhole — I was a social science major, so I have little idea what I'm talking about, but I'm a little bit of a space nerd and seem to remember some theories about matter/energy that gets sucked into a singularity "bleeding out" some distance from the

Agreed. My wife and I have a daughter on the way in March and that definitely changed how I watched this movie. Even got me misty at a couple parts.

I'd heard of it, but I definitely didn't think it'd been on for three fucking years.

Great job on the 5K — sorry about everything else!

I'd love to be able to relive 25-29. I don't have tons of regrets about that time, in retrospect, and I felt probably the most confident I've ever felt in my life. And had lots of good, dirty, dirty sex. Ah, memories.

Seriously. I occasionally remember some of the stupid relationship bullshit I did as a teenager/twentysomething and I can feel my face flush red.

I had a similar moment when I first exchanged contact information with my wife. Then I googled her and was super intimidated by her LinkedIn profile and credentials, and was pretty sure she'd eventually discover the meathead fraud I'd perpetrated on her… but she's still here, so I'm guessing she just hasn't yet

I think I heard this on someone's standup set, so I can't claim credit for the description, but my main problem with forming lasting relationships with girls I met in bars was precisely because of the lowered inhibitions.

I was in a similar emotional state when I met my wife, but we met in church (a very parent-friendly story, if you leave out the messy parts). I was getting baptized into the church and gave a little talk beforehand and apparently the Lady Balls thought I was the cat's pajamas. She gave me a hug after service and I

What is the male equivalent? I'm imagining a Bobby Bottleservice-type guy.

I sometimes mistake my misanthropy for introversion, but I do prefer rabble-rousing in groups. Let's do this shit!

My wife's an ENTJ and that lady gets shit done. I, on the other hand, am really good at binge-watching obscure '80s tv shows on Netflix.

Interesting — my wife says that she was an INTP in high school but the last time she took the test she was an ENTJ (and on the borderline of F). She was a hyper-intelligent band nerd but decidedly not AV-Clubbish (she admits to being kind of sheltered and pop-culture ignorant until college).

ENFP here.

That's a very sensitive and helpful answer, IK. Thank you.

I take weapons maintenance very seriously. More seriously than weapons safety, in fact.