Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Totally. I've gone to Coffeeworks a few times and it's never really stuck with me. I also went to one in downtown near my old office (before I got soft-fired/hard-laid-off). It's fine, but the coffee is only okay and there are few dirtbagging opportunities. And I totally forgot about Fiore! I love them, but I haven't

Never heard of them, actually. Thanks for the tip — I'll look them up.

Interesting point about Phoebe specifically and Jack's love interests in general. Still, even seeing Phoebe as a well-constructed plot-device, I find it hard to laugh at her dialogue or interactions with Liz (excepting the "my parents are both poets" line at lunch, something close to which I have experienced in real

Oh, yikes. I didn't hear about that. I really liked their drip coffee (plenty strong for me, and wasn't burnt to shit like Sbux) and they made good vanilla lattes. And, like I mentioned, I could have dirtbag married-guy crushes on the staff without skeeving anybody out.

Yeah, I applied for a special agent position with SSA last summer, and made the final cut but didn't get an offer. I'm DQ'd from the FBI and DEA for prior drug behaviors. My old field partner is a special agent with ICE and loves it, but they haven't hired for years. And my wife and I would like to stay in Seattle,

Four- and twenty-sided dice are notoriously hard to get into slim fit jeans.

Coffee hipsterism is more about the source than it is about the order. You just have to own it and not apologize for it. I'm a combat veteran and former law enforcement officer and I fucking LOVE vanilla lattes (and iced vanilla lattes in the summer). When I was working LE a coworker started giving me shit for getting

*makes sure doors are locked*

OFF-TOPIC: Oh, and didn't we have a discussion about the social unacceptability of cargo pants/shorts last summer, and how our gay and female friends were the ones who broke the bad news? Well, I have a fascinating field report.

Eh, disagree. I'm not a wideband hipster, but I have to unfortunately cop to being a coffee hipster. You can be one without being the other.

I live in Seattle, too, and I'm kind of a coffee hipster. I blame my wife, who is much more discerning than me. Before I met her, I'd get Starbucks coffee pretty regularly.

I'm pretty sure Colonel John Matrix (USA-Ret.) wore slim fit jeans and thick-framed glasses in between missions and cutting up logs.

I guess I like them? I mean, they're fine. They're not a band I would seek out or see live, but I wouldn't change it if they came on the radio.

Frightened Rabbit - Holy

It's 10:03 am in the American Pacific Northwest. For some reason, it's 32* Fahrenheit right now. I'm sitting on the couch with my yellow lab. He's napping and pushing his hind legs against me for warmth (aww, he just woke up with a big yawn).

Dipped into the low 30's/high 20's in the Seattle area last night. We're prepared for drizzle for months on end; we don't have the capacity to deal with arctic suck of this magnitude!

I've only really been following Stanford and UW (Seattle). Neither have given me much to be happy about, so maybe I'll start rooting for FSU (my mom's alma mater).

That's awesome, man. A bachelor's opens so many doors for employment. It'll be weird being around overgrown children again (I went to law school when I was 31, so I can relate), but you'll be so much better prepared to put your shoulder into it and do work than a lot of them are. Best of luck to you.

I love Arcade Fire, but agree about Radiohead. I like some of their songs here and there, but at some point realized that I would skip their songs when they came up on random on my ipod.

More mainstream bands: