Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

LCD Soundsystem
The Mountain Goats

I loved them growing up, but really started souring on them around the time the Black Album came out. Whenever "Enter Sandman" comes on I can taste bile jets in the back of my mouth.

Also, "And I lied. I have had five doughnuts today."

Those lines you mentioned from "The Fabian Strategy" make it one of my all-time favorites. And the unforgettable "It okay! Don't be cry!" (I get very uncomfortable around crying people, so I often use that line on my wife.)

Don't be too hard on Erik. Heavy is the head that eats the crayons.

Yeah, that might be part of why I don't like her character — she's less of an actual person than she is a plot device.

Yeah, her behavior is just so weird and distasteful that I can't bring myself to laugh at it.

It's also strangely prescient at times. That bit with the mico-sitcoms basically foretold the "Vine" phenomenon.

I never really liked the Phoebe subplot. Even though my wife and I sometimes quote the "hollow bones" line, her arc barely makes me smirk and often just makes me uncomfortable for some reason. I tune her out when I (frequently) rewatch season one.

I also love "I rode a horse all the way from heaven to tell you something important."

My wife drops casserole knowledge in there on the REGULAR, son!

Daaaaaamn, that penis is pink!

"We are Statutory Crepe! Thank you!"

Ha. I'm actually Methodist. We're pretty boring. Most of our ~100 person congregation is over 70. Our darkest revelation of the last few years is that it will cost millions to renovate our building and there is literally almost no way for us to raise the money to do it.

Well, I, for one, am glad someone is finally going to explore the seedy underbelly of the Methodist Church, what with its rummage sales, 200-year-old hymns, and occasional beer-drinking trivia nights.

Yeah, good point. I'm working a little too hard to suspend my disbelief by coming up with post hoc explanations. But there are plenty of other dead people that characters don't talk about - Lori, Herschel, T-Dogg - so it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that they'd just swallow the loss and move on.

The Maggie-forgetting-Beth-was-a-thing jokes are great, but wouldn't she just assume Beth is dead/lost? Everyone in this world has lost people dear to them; they need to move on to survive. Although it'd probably be better writing to have an exchange between Maggie and Glenn where she actually says that, I'm not that

I thought it was just an enormous herd of zombies, but it seemed like they might have been corralled somehow. Couldn't be sure on my TV, either, though. I'm pretty sure we were meant to think it was the largest herd any of them had ever seen.

And there could be zombies on a plane! And Brad Pitt!

Get on the wire. Tell them how to bring those sons of bitches down.