Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Or, "Hey, uh, did we go to high school together or somethin'?"

I'm seriously laughing so hard at this exchange right now.


My sophomore English teacher introduced me to that one in 1995. And I'm so thankful she did. When my cohort was turning 30, we all agreed to refer to our birthdays as "lastday." … Okay, I admit that seemed funnier at the time.

Nice. On my last playthrough I went with "sex addiction" and just tried to bang everything possible. My wife didn't find it as funny as I did.

I'm newly unemployed (again), and I was just thinking about how a zillionth Dragon Age replay was in order. I'm boring, though, and never seem to want to play anything other than human warriors or thieves.

"I don't have time for your shit, you dumbass dickbags!"

Like @avclub-24285ac5fdc310a2a0b518e5d86cd608:disqus said, Logitech makes good USB game controllers. When I was a dead broke bachelor several years ago I got one and played emulators with it all the time. It was set up like a Playstation controller and worked pretty well.

What are your thoughts on the six-hour A&E Pride and Prejudice, btw? The Lady (Balls) loves it, and it's one of her go-tos on rainy and sick days. It makes me compulsively yell "DO SOMETHING!" (quoting my favorite MST3K episode, of course). For some reason, I just assume that a person who enjoys Amadeus likes PnP.

Hope your wife feels better soon!

The Lady Balls loves that movie. It makes me sleepy.

Nice. Thanks!

I just lost my job, so I was heavily considering doing NaNoWriMo. Haven't signed up/started yet, but I started a story in late October that I might work from. Only have 4000 words so far so it sounds like I'd have some catching up to do. I wrote a little about it in my post below.

Mind giving an elevator pitch for The 100? I'm generally into post-apocalypse stuff, so I figure I'll like it, just want to know a little more about it.

It's been a rough couple of weeks in the Balls household, so we're leaning towards the comfort foods of pop culture lately. Lady Balls' 30-year-old cousin died in car crash and I lost my job on Friday. We're still processing both so maybe I'll write a longer missive when Savage Love gets posted this week.

Andy Dick
Not Even Once.

Day ain't over yet.

Charlie convinces the Gang to help him with a lucrative "investment"

I'd like to know what @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus's Amazon "you-might-be-interested-in" results look like. Maybe a self-tinting kit for an Econoline van? Zip-ties?

I mean, I get the appeal. It'd be awesome to have your house answer questions like you're on the Enterprise D. But I doubt CPT Picard had the ship listen in on his conversations and send him targeted ads the next day.