Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

And instead of having a massive fascist global state to rebel against, we'd have to rebel against Amazon, which would know we were rebelling because Echo heard us, and send us emails like:

Stop being weird, Internet

The spiders are for chasing out the ghouls.

Light him on fire! If he burns, he's not a spider!

I hate spiders. When my wife and I lived in DC this grass funnel spider (or something) made an enormous web behind our bedroom window blinds and I destroyed the nest with a broom and bleach spray.

Star Wars: The Force is Going to Be Kind of an Asshole to Everyone Until About 10:30 am

And overwhelmingly skewed Republican and Libertarian. Based on personal experience, I'd guess that maybe 15-20% of the Army votes Democrat. Maybe even less. I was consistently a political outsider, even as a moderate Democrat.

I would think it would be the inverse.

To answer your question, I'll use a 1st-year law school throwaway cocktail party line: it depends on the circumstances.

O cruel Fate!
Capricious bestower of Misfortunes most undeserv'd
For what do you punish my People now?
Now, as we ever shall be, are
Resign'd to foul recriminations upon
This most sullied of Comment Boards
Buried 'neath Yuletide puns and
A half-a-dozen Simpsons quotes.
You answer only Git er done,
Our cries muted by our shame,

You know what you did!

I… is… is that bad?

I have to admit, Linda was pretty attractive in the Archer crossover.

It might be auto-flagging for violent/threatening content? The machines don't get us, man.

Sidetrack: I'd capture my victims and do a really good job of torturing them for like 45 minutes, and have this whole elaborate plan for this avant garde death ritual I'd do with them. Then I'd start taking videos of my yellow lab puppy and maybe watch a couple of episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix. I'd take the dog for a

1. I'm excited about this. I miss the days of Stella.

What does this have to do with putting right what once went wrong?

Haha. Took me a second.

Huh, thanks.

That sounds familiar — I stayed at a shitty hotel called the Bridge Park in Harlesden about 7 years ago and nearly got into fisticuffs with a retired British paratrooper… seemed like a rough part of town. Is Harrow nearby?